The Nightlife San Antonio: (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series)

Free The Nightlife San Antonio: (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series) by Travis Luedke

Book: The Nightlife San Antonio: (Urban Fantasy Romance) (The Nightlife Series) by Travis Luedke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Travis Luedke
points, far longer than any normal teeth.
    “You gotta be kidding me. Are you really –”
    “A vampire. Yes. And that is all I know. I can’t even tell you how I know, except that it’s true. I must feed, soon. You didn’t complain last night. I’m pretty sure you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
    She paused, trying to find a way to bare her soul , praying he was worth it. “I need you. I don’t even know your name, but I need you. You are all that I know in this world, all that I have.”
    He stepped back, alarmed. “Don’t put this shit on me! I’m not your savior. I’m not anyone’s savior.”
    Then why was he working as a paramedic?
    “I can’t do this. You have to leave, now.” He stared at her hard, unblinking.
    “Know t his, if you turn me over to the police, it will be ugly. Good men will die, and then they will kill me, or ship me off to some laboratory ten stories underground and dissect me into bits and pieces to be studied under a microscope.”
    He squinted, full of suspicion, but underneath it she sensed his fascinated curiosity. “Give me one reason why I should help you. What’s in it for me?”
    H is words stripped her of any further options. “I have nothing to give … but myself.” She slid off the bed and dropped her shorts – his shorts – to the ground. As she stepped out of the shorts, she slipped her t-shirt – his t-shirt – over her head and tossed it aside to stand before him completely nude – except for some bandages and medical tape.
    He didn’t say a word as he stood there, drinking in the sight of her body like a man dying of thirst. She had been reduced to a whore in exchange for his help, and he had nothing to say.
    * * * *


Chapter 9
    He wanted to throw her on the bed and bury his cock betwe en her toned thighs. He wanted to see her eyes roll back in her head as he burned off all the insane need she inspired. His dick was so hard that it was slipping out the front of his boxer shorts all on its own, a heat-seeking missile intent on its new target.
    But he didn’t want her like this, under these conditions. “You think I’m so hard up for sex that you can sell yourself to me for a place to crash?”
    She stepped closer to him, holding his gaze with her freakish unblinking st are. “Don’t you want what I have to offer?” A slight smile quirked her lips, exposing those weird teeth.
    His cock jerked free to stand at full attention, listening to her every word. His cock knew she would be warm, ready, probably a tight squeeze, and wanted to take full advantage of her offer.
    He took in all of her. Dark tight nipples on small, perky breasts – barely a handful. Slim, tight belly, but just enough curve of hip and thigh to let you know she was indeed a woman. A fitness instructor’s physique. The damn bandages were ruining the whole effect.
    She stepped in closer, within reach, and he could not control himself any more. His fingertips traced the milky white curve of her right breast, brushing lightly across her nipple, and up to the tape and bandage.
    He grinned. She grinned back with too many teeth. He ripped the bandage off in one smooth pull.
    “Pinche c abron!” She flinched, bearing her too long canine teeth in a small growl.
    He noted her smooth, native Spanish, and thought to ask her about it later. For the immediate moment, Adrian saw what he expected to see, but it was still very hard to believe. Beneath the flecks of dried, old blood was a fully healed wound, not even a scar. He rubbed his fingers over the flesh, in awe. A bullet had torn a jagged crimson hole in that porcelain flesh three nights ago. Smooth, ivory skin filled his vision, now.
    “God damn, you’re a fucking vampire.”
    She eyed him suspiciously, her hands in the air, as if she would cove r herself. Then that fiery spark came into her eyes, and she dropped her hands and lifted her chin in challenge.
    He ripped off each of he r bandages, none too

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