Meet me in Malmö: The first Inspector Anita Sundström mystery (Inspector Anita Sundström mysteries)
    ‘He’s a big fat bastard, I hate him…’ Klara said in a rush and promptly burst into tears. Anita didn’t have time for this, but she took a sobbing Klara in her arms and gave her a reassuring hug.
    ‘It’s ok. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.’ But Anita knew that he did.
    The sobs started to recede and Anita was able to let Klara go. She fished out a paper tissue. ‘Come on, Klara, get yourself cleaned up.’
    Klara took the tissue and wiped her eyes. ‘Did you see him on the TV? He’s so full of himself.’
    ‘Yes, but he usually knows what he’s doing. He gets results, whatever it costs the rest of us.’
    Klara sniffled into the tissue. ‘How do you put up with that slob?’
    ‘Just try to ignore him.’
    If only Anita found it as easy to take her own advice as to give it.

    Mick Roslyn seemed calm, but Anita had no idea what awful thoughts were ricocheting around in his mind. He was handsome in a flashy sort of way that would have impressed and attracted her a few years ago. Experience had taught her that those who spent so long cultivating their looks had little time for cultivating meaningful relationships, except with themselves. She had explained in English that she understood that this conversation might be difficult, but they couldn’t afford to put it off as they had to act as quickly as possible to catch the killer. This was part of the information-gathering process and he was vital to that. He might be able to point them in the right direction. As she spoke, Mick Roslyn stared at his manicured hands, which were placed palm down on the table, as they sat in the middle of a soulless interrogation room. Sitting opposite him next to Anita was Olander, who appeared to be in awe of the director. He was an avid movie buff and was well acquainted with Roslyn’s work.
    ‘What I need to ask you first is to confirm your movements prior to going to the apartment at Östra Förstadsgatan.’
    He started to drum his fingers. ‘I spent last night in Stockholm. I had a meeting; then I wanted to go through some follow-up research material for my next project.’ Anita could see out of the corner of her eye that Olander was champing at the bit to ask what it was, but he had the sense not to interrupt. ‘I didn’t go to bed late because I had to be up for a very early start. I got the flight down to Sturup, then came into town by taxi.’
    ‘You were meant to meet Mr Strachan at eleven, but you didn’t reach the apartment until half past. Why were you late?’
    ‘Plane was delayed.’ He shrugged.
    ‘So you arrived at half past.’
    For the first time he looked up and stared at Anita. ‘The photographer was just arriving downstairs so I let him in. We entered the flat together and when we went into the lounge there was Strachan bending over my wife, who was on the floor.’ A tremor came into his voice and his splayed hands curled into fists, ‘I just flipped.’
    Anita gave him a second to compose himself.
    ‘Your wife. Had she been worried lately? Anything unsettling her? Had anybody being pestering her? You know, ardent fans.’
    Mick Roslyn paused, as though weighing up the question in his mind.
    ‘She had a stalker. It’ll be in police records somewhere.’
    ‘In Malmö?’
    ‘No, in Stockholm. Couple of years ago. We had to take it to court. He was called Jörgen Crabo.’
    ‘And has he been a nuisance since?’
    ‘I saw him in the crowd at a premiere of En Gäss last year in Stockholm. Fortunately, Malin didn’t spot him. Or she certainly didn’t let on if she had. But after what we had been though you are always on the lookout. Apart from that, he’s kept to the court order as far as I’m aware.’
    ‘We’ll check his whereabouts. He didn’t threaten her life at any stage?’
    ‘Has anybody? Or is there anybody you would have regarded as a threat to her safety?’
    Mick took a sip from his coffee, which by now was probably cold but he

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