Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?

Free Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? by Jim Marrs

Book: Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? by Jim Marrs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim Marrs
Dawson’s dawn-man, after British amateur archaeologist Charles Dawson, who claimed to have collected the remains from pit workmen.
    But instead of being the missing link everyone was hoping for, Piltdown Man actually was revealed to be a gigantic hoax in 1953. Dawson and others, including even the famous Sherlock Holmes novelist Arthur Conan Doyle, were suspected of forging the missing link by combining a modern human skull with the jawbone of an orangutan. Many suspect that whoever fabricated the Piltdown Man, and it may have consisted of more than one person, did so in a shortsighted effort to support the theories of Darwin.
    The Piltdown Man hoax succeeded for so long because at the time of its presentation, the scientific establishment had long supposed that the large modern human brain preceded the modern omnivorous diet. The forgery had provided exactly the evidence that suited the theory.
    Public acceptance of anthropology increased in 1974 with the discovery of the skeleton of a hominid australopithecine female in the Afar Triangle region of Hadar, Ethiopia. American paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson, assisted by Maurice Taieb and Yves Coppens, suggested the name Lucy after the Beatles’ tune “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” which was heard on a tape the night of the discovery. Lucy, a three-and-a-half-foot-tall biped, initially was considered merely another Australopithecus africanus , a previously known hominid from the late Pliocene epoch. It was sometime later, following other finds, that she was recognized as a separate species.
    In the months following Lucy’s discovery, Johanson’s team found prehistoric hominid teeth and bones from at least thirteen individuals, collectively called Australopithecus 333. The fossils are estimated to be about 3.2 million years old and represent a species now known as Australopithecus afarensis . Because this species may be even older than the Neanderthals and even Homo erectus, Johanson’s group of fossils is sometimes known as humankind’s first family.
    Scholars Colin P. Groves, Charles E. Oxnard, and Louis Leakey have agreed that Australopithecus was totally different in morphology from humans. Groves commented that “non-Darwinian” principles would be required to explain any connection between Lucy and modern humans.
    Conventional science now accepts that Neanderthals were also a completely separate race from humans as well. Following the first analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) taken from the fossils from the Neander Valley, Germany, in 1997, National Geographic concluded that Neanderthals did not contribute substantially to the modern human genome.
    If the empirical evidence doesn’t support Darwin’s theory of evolution, what can account for our existence? Hominids, a term used to describe humans as well as closely related apes, evolved at a slow and steady pace until about 450,000 years ago, when the primate family tree began to divide, creating many separate branches of species during the late Pleistocene epoch. Interestingly enough, this period of change coincides with dates during which the Sumerian tablets described extraterrestrials manipulating the human DNA.
    Woe be to those who attempt to argue against conventional thinking. According to many independent researchers, there appears to be a conspiracy against any discovery that conflicts with prevailing wisdom. Consider the fate of Thomas E. Lee of the National Museum of Canada. In the early 1950s, Lee discovered sophisticated stone tools caught in ice on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. These tools were proven to be at least 65,000 years old and perhaps as old as 125,000 years, totally contradicting conventional theories concerning the date that such well-fashioned stone tools were first created. Following his discovery, Lee claimed he was “hounded” from his position, his work was misrepresented, and no one would publish his findings. Most of the artifacts he

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