A Taste of You

Free A Taste of You by Sorcha Grace

Book: A Taste of You by Sorcha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sorcha Grace
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
tongue, his body against mine.
    And suddenly, I didn’t care if we were in a freezer. I didn’t care that he was an arrogant ass with a filthy mouth. I didn’t care that I didn’t want a relationship right now. All I cared about was the slow burn moving through my body as William kissed me. I hadn’t expected his kiss to be ordinary, and I wasn’t disappointed. He knew how to tease, nipping at my lips with teeth and tongue, giving me a taste of what I hungered for before pulling back.
    I fisted my hands in his hair and pulled him closer, sucking on his tongue, pressing my body against his, feeling his warmth and hardness. I was aware of every inch of his tall, athletic body, especially his hard thighs, which brushed against mine, and the more we kissed, the more I abandoned myself to pure sensation. With a groan, he pushed me against one of the shelves, and I felt the cold metal through the material of my tuxedo jacket. But it didn’t penetrate. Nothing penetrated except the heat of William’s body and the taste of his mouth. He was bourbon and cinnamon and sex.
    Our tongues dueled, vying for dominance, and I felt my control slipping farther and farther. I lost it completely when William turned gentle on me. He cupped my face in his hands, drew back, and then whispered in a dark voice strained with need, “I knew I was right. I knew it would be like this. You should really listen to me, Catherine.” Then he kissed me with such skill and such sweetness that if it hadn’t been for the below freezing temperature, I would have melted into steam. His lips brushed mine, sending sparks of heat spiraling through me. Warm, delicious tendrils of pleasure infused me from the tips of my fingertips to my toes. My heart thundered, and my hips rhythmically arched forward and pressed into his. I wanted to feel his hand between my thighs. I wanted to feel his fingers probe and press and slide inside me the way his tongue had slid inside my mouth. He flicked his tongue across my lips, and I wanted his tongue on me too.
    I moaned. My body betrayed me, and I could no longer control the sounds of pleasure I was making. His tongue stroked mine, filling my mouth, stroking me in a rhythm, a pattern I knew well. I clutched at his lapels, needing more and wanting more. So much more—
    “Sorry to interrupt…”
    I ripped myself away from William, feeling bereft as soon as we parted. Suddenly, the cold of the freezer washed over me, and I shivered. I darted my gaze to a line cook standing in the doorway and closed my eyes in mortification. The kid couldn’t have been older than twenty, and he looked a bit chagrined. William, on the other hand, was all composure. “It’s all yours,” he said, pulling me out of the freezer.
    Suddenly, we were surrounded by sound and fury again, but it was a blur. My head spun as he pulled me through the restaurant, outside, and onto the sidewalk in front. The January night air bit into my skin, and that’s what snapped me back to reality. Part of me wanted to slide against William, steal his warmth and heat, but I kept my distance.
    This wasn’t what I wanted, I reminded myself.
    He wasn’t what I wanted.
    My God, I didn’t know him, and I had been making out with him in a freezer in the middle of a party. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want a relationship—or whatever this might be—with a man who went through women like I went through camera batteries. I was an emotional wreck, and as much as I’d enjoyed myself in the freezer, I couldn’t do this. Okay, maybe I could, but I shouldn’t. Time to put a stop to this.
    “I can have a car here in less than thirty seconds,” William said, pushing me against the wall of the building and into the shadows while nuzzling my neck.. “Say the word, Catherine, and we can take this where we both want it to go.”
    I opened my mouth, but my lips felt bruised and tender. I couldn’t speak. He ran his thumb over my bottom lip. His eyes were a liquid grey that

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