The Splintered Kingdom

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Book: The Splintered Kingdom by James Aitcheson Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Aitcheson
Pons and Turold was probably long gone by now, and Robert would have little chance of catching up with them.
    Yet as he began to marshal his knights and they prepared to ride out once more, I had the unsettling feeling that Byrhtwald had been right; that somewhere in that wilderness beyond the dyke the Welsh were lurking, and in numbers too. Like eagles circling high overhead, they watched, waiting for the moment when they could stoop and catch their prey unawares.
    For the moment to strike again, and this time to kill.
    My doubts were borne out when Robert and his men returned a few hours later. Dusk was upon us and I’d retreated to my hall, having spent much of the afternoon trying to calm the men and women of Earnford. They had seen what had happened to Ædda and now feared for their own lives as well as those of their children.
    Leofrun had joined me for a time to try and lift me from my darkened mood, and while I was grateful for her presence and her efforts, I was not much cheered. Now she had retired to our chambers and I was alone. I sat on a stool before the hearth-fire, drawing a whetstone up my knife-edge, not because it needed it but because I did not know what else to do. My first lord had given this blade to me when I entered his service at the age of thirteen. It had shedsome of its weight since then, so many times had I sharpened it, and it was no longer as well balanced as a fighting blade ought to be, but I could never bring myself to use any other and so it had stayed by my side all these years.
    I was holding the edge up to the firelight, examining it for any nicks, when the doors to the hall were flung open and Robert strode in, bringing a burst of cool air with him.
    I got to my feet, sheathing the knife and setting it down on the floor. ‘Did you see anything?’
    He shook his head as he untied his helmet-strap. ‘There were some pony tracks leading away from where your men said the attack took place. We followed the trail over the hills, and for a short way into the forest, but there we lost it. As soon as that happened we turned back; it was too dangerous to linger there longer than we had to, especially with the light fading.’
    ‘How many sets of tracks were there?’
    ‘Only two or three, we reckoned, with perhaps a couple more on foot, although it was hard to tell.’
    Ædda would have known, I thought; he would have been able to stay on their trail. The irony was not lost on me. And what if those few were merely the advance party for a larger raiding-band?
    ‘How does the Englishman fare?’
    ‘He lives,’ I replied. ‘He’s still in much pain, but no longer bleeding.’
    Robert was silent for a moment, then said, ‘I hear this isn’t the first time that the Welsh have attacked in recent weeks.’
    ‘No, lord.’
    ‘I was speaking with your man Serlo, who told me the story of how you hunted down the ones who came raiding last month. Didn’t you consider that by killing them all you might only end up provoking the enemy?’
    ‘I didn’t kill them all,’ I protested. ‘One of them I spared.’
    ‘One to tell the tale. Yes, I know.’
    ‘What choice did I have?’ I asked, rounding on him. ‘They sent several of my people to their graves, butchered their livestock andburnt their cottages to the ground. Death was no more than they deserved.’
    ‘I’m only suggesting that if you had let those men live, the Welsh might not have come seeking vengeance, and the Englishman would not lie injured and perhaps dying.’
    ‘The Welsh are always raiding, looking for opportunities to steal and wreak their violence,’ I countered. ‘It wasn’t vengeance that brought them here today. Besides, if I’d let those who came last time live, they would only have returned in greater numbers. They are a savage people; they have no understanding of honour as we do.’
    ‘The sword is not the answer to every problem,’ Robert said, seemingly not listening to what I was saying. ‘Sometimes it

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