Take What You Want

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Book: Take What You Want by Jeanette Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanette Grey
her fingers around him. He groaned into her mouth and teased her nipple between his finger and his thumb.
    As she stroked him, he kissed his way down her throat to the sticky skin across her collarbones and slicked a fingertip through the lips of her sex. “I thought I was supposed to be cleaning you up.”
    A heavy surge of desire rushed through her. She hadn’t been a virgin before she’d taken Josh home, but sex had never been this good before—this giving or this fun. She’d never gone from squealing to steaming, never been so wanting or so eager to please.
    She wanted to thank him. To tell him what this meant to her; even if she only got to keep him for this week, he’d changed everything.
    She moaned into his touch and moved her hand around to cup his balls, gazing down to hide her face from him. It would say entirely too much.
    “One thing at a time,” she said.
    With that, she dropped to her knees, cushioned from the floor by the wet mass of her robe. She sucked in a deep breath. He was long and thick, hard and perfect in front of her. Still not looking up, heart racing, she traced a single finger up and down the length of him, watched as he bobbed, flexing at her touch.
    “Yeah,” he groaned as she leaned in and slid her mouth around the head. He cupped the side of her face, a gentle touch of fingertips against her scalp. He didn’t push her or try to guide her onto him, just held on. It felt possessive. Sexy.
    Curling her fingers around the base, she took him in, a slow slide of lips over hard flesh and low noises of pleasure—a soft “baby” and “God” spilling from his lips as she sucked him deep.
    When she slid even farther down on him, he shook. “Fuck, that’s good. I love your mouth.” He flexed his hips, a gentle push in time with her own motions as he hit her throat, sliding back before she could gag.
    She wanted to make him feel good. Better than anyone. She wanted…
    “Baby…” His fingers touched the edge of her jaw, nudging her up. “Look at me.”
    She sucked harder and felt his legs tremor.
    More insistently, he tugged. “Look at me.”
    She forced her eyes up, still scared of what she’d show him. But in that instant, his gaze held the same fire she felt burning inside of her. The same need and connection.
    His next grunt was agonized.
    “Babe, I’m gonna—” He let go of her, pulled his hands from her hair and slammed one fist into the wall of the shower, but she didn’t let go. “ Ellen …”
    With a shuddering pulse, his release filled her mouth, hot and bitter, and she swallowed it down, still moving on him, only easing off on her pressure when he touched her shoulder and pulled his hips away.
    His gaze still burning, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her up, slamming his mouth against hers the second she was standing. “You are…” he mumbled between kisses, “the sexiest…most dangerous woman…”
    “God, yes.”
    Her back hit the wall of the shower, and then he was on his knees, hands holding her hips to the tile and lips sucking at her inner thigh. Eyes on hers the entire time, he picked up her right leg and hung it over his shoulder, spreading her.
    “Hold on to me,” he urged, and then his face was buried between her legs.
    She cried his name and reached out, one hand connecting with the shelf beside her and the other with hot skin. Just like he had, she held his head, touched his neck. With lips and fingertips and tongue, he opened her, sucking and licking at her clit while pressing just inside. Her whole upper body strained as she clenched her jaw shut against the onslaught of pleasure.
    He pulled away to kiss her thigh. “Let me hear you. Tell me what I do to you.”
    “Jesus.” Her mouth hung open and her eyes drifted skyward before slamming shut as he pressed his fingers deeper and brought his tongue back to her flesh. “I’ve never—”
    Felt anything like this. Been this close before.
    She snapped her

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