Take What You Want

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Book: Take What You Want by Jeanette Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanette Grey
mouth closed, trembled as she gave in to it. In a matter of minutes, Josh had her on a precipice, wet and open and soaring, pushing until there was only his mouth and his hand.
    “Say my name, Ellen. Say my name when I make you come.”
    Her head smacked tile.
    “ Josh! ”
    Over and over again, his name echoed on her tongue and off the walls, melting into the water and his touch as her whole body shivered and exploded from the center out. From the hot, ripe apex of her pleasure and his kiss.
    Had she ever come this hard? Felt this much?
    “God, Josh.”
    The fog slowly faded, and she opened her eyes to look down at him, still on his knees, hair slicked back from his face with water, lips shining. With a low, wet sound she could hear even over the shower, he pulled his hand from her and sucked his fingers into his mouth.
    And it was then. Right then and there, naked and shaking, with the water pouring down over them, that Ellen knew.
    A week and a day would never be enough.

Chapter Six
    The second the front door closed, Josh was there.
    “Hey, Dad.”
    His father looked up, suspicion already clear in his expression. “Hi.”
    “I need to talk to you and Mom. Now.”
    With a withering sigh, his father took his coat off and hung it up. “Will I need bail money?”
    “No.” Josh wrung his hands. “No, nothing like that.”
    “A shotgun?”
    “Don’t think so.”
    After no small amount of corralling and cajoling, Josh managed to get him into the living room and seated. With a raised eyebrow, his father looked at his mother. “Apparently our son needs to talk to us.”
    Josh’s mother hummed, and Josh took in a deep breath, pacing a few steps one way and then a half dozen in the other. He’d already told his mom that they’d be having company for dinner, but the real bombshell he’d waited to drop until now. He balled his hands into fists and straightened his arms at his sides, then pivoted to face them.
    “I invited a girl over for dinner.”
    His mom’s face twisted into a knowing smile. “I knew it.”
    “Right, right. So, her name is Ellen, and she’s really great.”
    His father was less enthused. “You’ve been seeing this girl?”
    “Yes.” Josh swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Not for long and it isn’t serious, yet.”
    “Does she realize you’re going to med school in the fall?”
    “Dad. Cart.” He gestured at a spot in the air with one hand, then at another spot a foot ahead of it in space with his other. “Horse.”
    “This isn’t the time to be getting distracted with—”
    “ Dad .”
    His father glowered but raised his hands in submission. “Continue.”
    “Anyway, she’s…special. And she wanted to meet you guys. But it’s complicated.”
    His father sat up straighter. “She’s not pregnant, is she?”
    “God, no.” Josh shook his head. “Nothing like that. Just… Look.” He forced a long inhale and an exhale. “Here’s the thing. I need a favor.”
    “Here we go…”
    “I don’t have time to explain. She knows I’m in school, but she…” Josh winced and just dove right into it. “She doesn’t know I go to school here . When we met, she assumed I was just home for spring break, and I didn’t correct her, and now…”
    His mother arched her eyebrow. “Seriously?”
    “Seriously. I know it’s stupid, and it’s ridiculous, and I have to set everything to rights soon, but things are going really well, and just for tonight, can you please, just…” He glanced from the clock to the door and then back to his parents. “Can you play along?”
    They were both looking at him like he was an idiot. Probably because he was.
    “Play along?” his dad asked.
    “Yeah, just…like, you don’t have to lie. I haven’t lied to her. Just don’t, you know…tell the truth.” He shot them a grimacing smile. “Please?”
    Before they could answer, the doorbell rang, and a cold sweat broke out on the back of his neck.
    Why the hell

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