Take What You Want

Free Take What You Want by Jeanette Grey

Book: Take What You Want by Jeanette Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeanette Grey
above them.
    “Josh!” She reached the plate to try to right it but just succeeded in knocking it even more askew, sending more syrup flying.
    “Shit.” He rose up onto his knees and grabbed the plate with his other hand to place it on the floor beside them. “I’m sorry.” Sucking his thumb into his mouth, he dropped his gaze to her chest, his eyes darkening. “You’ve got a little…”
    Ellen rolled her eyes, laughing as she tried to scoop up a little puddle of syrup that had pooled in the hollow of her collarbone. It just ended up spreading the stickiness around.
    “You’re all messy.” His voice rumbled with a low growl, and the intensity of his gaze had gone to molten heat.
    Her breath caught in her throat. “And whose fault is that?”
    “If I said it was yours for being so sexy, would you hurt me?”
    “Would you like me to?”
    “ Fuck. ”
    His mouth attached itself to her neck, hot tongue lapping, and his hardness pressed against her thigh. Still holding the sticky one in the air, she pushed her clean hand into his hair and spread her legs. Sucking lower on her chest, pushing the edges of her robe apart, he groaned.
    Already panting for breath, the ache building between her thighs, she tilted her head back. “You were the one holding the plate, you know.”
    “Is that a complaint?”
    “No,” she said with a gasp of pleasure as he latched on to the top of her breast, her eyes drifting closed. “Statement of fact.”
    “I bet you want me to admit this is my fault then.”
    “I wouldn’t stop you.”
    There were so many things she wouldn’t stop him from doing right then.
    Suddenly, his lips disappeared from her skin, and he sat up straight. She opened her eyes, shocked to find her hand grasping at air, to see him staring down at her with mischief in his smile.
    “Guess it’s my job to get you cleaned up then, huh?”
    Before she could even protest, he was picking her up and slinging her over his shoulder as he stood.
    All the breath flew out of her as she screamed, a laughing, gasping sound full of thrill and surprise. “What do you think you’re—”
    He slapped her ass sharply, then slid his hand under the hem of her robe to grasp the naked back of her thigh, his forearm pinning her legs against his chest. With big, striding steps, he carried her through the apartment. Hanging upside down, she darted her gaze from the coffee table to the wall to the open doorway now looming before them.
    Still laughing and squealing the whole time, she scrabbled at his shirt and beat her fist into his side. “Stop it! Put me down!”
    “Just a second.” He strode into the bathroom, then with a grunt, shoved the shower curtain out of the way, setting her down on her feet in the bathtub.
    “Son of a—” A blast of icy water hit her in the face, and her words dissolved into another scream. Her robe soaked through, and she reached for the knob to turn the water off, only to meet Josh’s hand, his big palm wrapping around her wrist and his hot mouth on hers. The chill of the water faded, giving way to a warm spray, and all her resistance melted. When she pulled her hand away from his grip, he let it go, and she clung to his shoulders, kissing him hard and deep. “Get in here.”
    “Hold on, baby.” He wrestled with his jeans, leaving them in a pile on the bathroom floor, along with his boxers. Separating from her mouth for the briefest second, he pulled his A-shirt up and over his head, then flung it behind him as he stepped into the tub and drew the curtain closed behind him. “Fuck, but you look good.”
    The fabric of her robe clung to her naked skin. He peeled it from her an inch at a time, fingers caressing curves, and in no time at all, it lay at their feet, leaving them skin to skin, his erection trapped between their bodies and her sex achy and slick. She slid her hand down his side and across his back, reaching to palm the firm roundness of his ass before slipping across his hip to curl

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