Fighting Faith

Free Fighting Faith by Brandie Buckwine

Book: Fighting Faith by Brandie Buckwine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandie Buckwine
maneuvering himself so that his head was over her hips and his knees grazed her headboard. He pried her bent knees apart to make room for his games. When she was spread wide, he brought the toy to her folds, rubbing it up and down along her cleft.
    Eric turned to face her. “He says you’re very wet and he can’t wait to fuck you.” This playful side of Eric was quickly growing on her, and her heart raced as the object he pressed against her pussy buzzed to life. First, he held it to her clit, circling it lightly before easing it down to her opening and slipping it in part way. He removed it and brought it back to her clit. Faith gritted her teeth against the pleasure the vibrations sent through her body. In her peripheral vision, she saw the bulge in Eric’s jeans as he lay on his side. She reached over and undid the button and zipper, setting him free. As she grasped his erection in her hand, he shoved the vibrator inside her again. She tried to push against it, but he quickly removed it and sent it wandering again, on and around her clit, back to her opening, teasing it with a little circular motion, and then, he moved it back and pressed it against the rosette of her ass.
    Faith gasped in surprise, but bursts of pleasure shot through her body and she involuntarily cried out. “Bad vibrator!” Eric said, bringing the humming device up to his face.
    “Bad boy! You don’t go there!”
    “It felt good,” she said, giggling and fisting his shaft. Was that the message she wanted to give him? Permission to fuck her in the ass?
    “Vibrators don’t go there,” he repeated. “Only Eric can go there, and only with permission.” He returned the humming phallus to her pussy, picking up where he left off.
    Not long after, Faith couldn’t stand the teasing anymore, and her hips squirmed from side to side. Eric looked at her and cocked his head. “He wants to know if you’re ready?” Without waiting for a reply, he shoved it inside and switched the speed to ‘high.’ Shocked by the sudden change of gears, she yanked his cock, too hard she was afraid, but Eric thrust into her hands just as he thrust the vibrator back inside her. A flick of a switch and he activated the pulsating pearls at the base of the device. They ground around inside her, massaging the sensitive spot that would push her over the edge. Her scream caught in her throat as she felt lips and tongue return to her clit. When she found her voice, it was a mixture of shrieks of delight and laughter.
    Every nerve in her body cried out— she was at a point of ecstasy she’d never experienced. It was almost too much to take, and Eric had to brace his forearm across her abdomen to keep her from bucking away. She felt like she was shot from a cannon, her body flying through the air, close to exploding as he sucked her and her walls strained against the gyrating beads. Then, the inevitable explosion came. Every spark of energy in her body converged in her vagina and burst out into the universe.
    Her mind was in a haze— the vibrator had to have shot across the room in the explosion, and Eric must have been injured because she heard wailing. As soon as she could move beyond her reverberations, she pushed herself up onto her elbows to survey the damage. Eric looked up from between her legs with a smug grin and lifted the lifeless vibrator for her to see. The echoing wails persisted, though it was now shorter bursts, much less like the shrieking howls of just moments before. Her consciousness and the room around her began to reconnect, and the closer they came, the more obvious it was that the noises belonged to her.
    Eric tossed the toy over his shoulder and rose to remove his pants. “My turn.” In the meantime, all Faith could do was knead the bed with her fingers and toes, her nerves still too raw to have any command over her body. Her knees knocked together of their own accord, forcing the remaining aftershocks to leave her body. With one hand on each

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