Bloody Valentine

Free Bloody Valentine by Lucy Swing

Book: Bloody Valentine by Lucy Swing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Swing
would do with me. I was one of them, a threat to the world and to myself, unaware of what I was or what I could do exactly.
―Stop it! Put your guns down. She is not like them.‖ Maggie said loudly. ―She obviously craves the blood but that is to be expected. I do, too.‖
―She fed off him.‖ Said Lt. Harris as he emerged from behind a tree, a .45 still clutched in his hand.
―You shot two girls, so who are you to talk? Bailey did what is in her nature, as did I. But she didn‘t kill anyone. She has been turned into a creature of the night, but she is still her mother‘s daughter. She still has the goodness of her powers in her.‖ She was now standing next to me, looking into my eyes. ―Richard,‖ she called out without looking away. ―Are you really going to just walk away from her? Let them kill her or even worse, experiment on her? Are you going to turn me in, too? She and I are the same now.‖ I looked over at Dad who in turn looked down at the ground and kicked the dirt.
―Daddy, what is going on?‖ I got up and tried to run to him, but Maggie‘s hands held me back.
―I am not walking away from my child, for my child is no longer here.‖
It felt like a dagger straight to the heart. For a split moment I wished I had died. I would have gladly taken being shot to death than hearing my father say that.
―I-I am still here, Daddy.‖ The way my statement came out made me sound like a stubborn little girl. ―I don‘t know what I am but, the me from before, the me you know— I‘m still here. I still feel the same.‖
He made his way to me, and his hand cupped the side of my face as his hazel eyes looked into mine. I wondered if he had any powers too and if he did what they may be. The way he stared into my eyes, could he see inside my head?
He began to walk away, and anger rushed through my body uncontrollably. My fingernails dug deep into the palm of my hands as I made fists.
He stopped and turned around. It only took him a few long strides to get back to my side. ―You will both need to stay away until we know what you are capable of. I will be back in a few hours with supplies.‖ He turned to face Maggie. ―Go with her to the cabin; I will meet you there.‖ He took another look at me, and I could see the pain it caused him to see me like this, not knowing the extent of the damage that had been caused. He took my face into his hands as he spoke, ―I love you honey. We will figure this out.‖ His hand dropped, he turned and walked away, the Lieutenant and the officer following him. With my hopes slightly renewed I turned to face Maggie and Jude.
Maggie smiled at me in a motherly way I hadn‘t seen before and walked over to the edge of the clearing as Jude approached. He grabbed my hands and looked down at them.
―I am so sorry, Bailey. I never thought it would get to—‖ I put my finger to his lips, the tenderness of his flesh making my skin tingle. The fire inside me began to burn.
―I should apologize to you.‖
He came closed and caressed my face with the back of his fingers. ―I only did the things I did because I love you. Since the moment I saw you. I knew.‖ I smiled at his words. ―I mean it. I just—I couldn‘t bring you into this world. If your powers were dormant you would have had a chance at a normal life. This is dangerous; I just wanted to keep you safe and… if you had to hate me to do so, then that‘s what I would do. I was so busy trying to stay away from you that I lead him straight to you.‖
The urge was now unbearable, and my lips found his with eagerness. I had waited and dreamed about this moment for a very long time. His arms tightened around my waist, pulling me onto him, the closeness of our bodies making me burn with desire. The kiss deepened as our tongues danced in perfect unison.
Maggie cleared her throat, breaking us from the trance we‘d fallen into. I stared into his eyes and attempted to catch my breath. I looked over at where she stood and raised an

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