Loves Redemption

Free Loves Redemption by Kimberly Kaye Terry

Book: Loves Redemption by Kimberly Kaye Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Kaye Terry
arrival. I thought that we’d have a few minutes to go over any questions that you have before we met with him. Are you ready, sweetheart?”

    “Yes, but I need to take my bag with me. I have my notebook in there and I’ve jotted
    down some questions I would like to ask.”

    Lieutenant Hernandez was on the phone speaking in low tones as Mark and Maya walked
    into the office. After hanging up the phone he walked around his desk, his hand outstretched as he greeted Maya.

    “Dr. Richardson, thank you for altering your busy schedule so we could meet. Detective
    Halstan says you had been scheduled to come in tomorrow, but agreed to come in today in light of the murder discovered last night. We appreciate you changing your schedule for us.” After shaking hands, Lieutenant Hernandez brought a chair close to her and sat down with Mark
    following suit.

    “The purpose of this meeting is to bring you into the investigation as a special consultant.
    Detective Halstan brought to my attention the potential aid you could give us in apprehending the slayer. Although I’m somewhat familiar with Imani House and the work that’s done there, I don’t know the specifics. But what I hope is that you’ll help provide insight into this population.”

    The Lieutenant nodded in Mark’s direction before continuing. “I’m sure Detective
    Halstan has informed you, but I would like to reiterate that of course anything you hear in this office is to be held in strict confidence.”

    “Of course,” Maya agreed.

    After her nod of acceptance he continued. “With that I’d like to fill you in on what we
    know so far, and we’ll go from there. If and when you have any questions at any time, stop us, and we’ll answer to the best of our ability. Alright?” he asked, just as Jordan walked in after a brief knock and took the last available chair, bringer it closer to the trio.

    “Detective Philips, you’re just in time. We’re filling Dr. Richardson in on the case. Do
    you have anything to report?”

    “The coroner gave the affirmative on our latest; it’s Kross.” Jordan reached inside his
    jacket pocket to retrieve the small black notepad that was every detective’s staple. Flipping to the desired page, he ran down the information he’d gathered.

    “Thanks, Jordan. Here’s what we know or believe about both the killings, and the killer,
    Dr. Richardson. With the latest victim found last night, the murder toll comes to eight we believe to fit the slayer’s MO As we told you, when you came in to identify your sister’s body, we
    believe the slayer is a female and a prostitute. The first two victims were found in a
    neighborhood park known for men driving through looking to pay for sex. Both victims had been buried naked. However, the crime techs recovered condoms near both victims, both unused.”

    “Does that mean there was no sex involved?” Maya asked.

    “The evidence doesn’t indicate the victims willingly participated in a sexual encounter,
    but what it does show is that they had been victimized.”

    “Are you saying the killer raped the victims? Anally?”

    Mark noticed the lieutenant’s red neck and knew what was causing his sudden
    discomfiture. Maya held an aura of innocence draped around her that made you want to censure words that were too crass for her ears. Although she had asked the explicit question, he sensed the lieutenant was hesitant to confirm it for her. Picking up the story he continued in his place.

    “Yes, that’s right. The evidence shows the victims have all been raped with a blunt

    “If you believe that this is a female prostitute, how is she able to overpower these men
    and rape them? If it’s not consensual, how is she able to do this?” Maya asked.

    “Each victim was shot with a .22 caliber handgun three times in the back. From the
    location of the bullets in the body, the crime lab had deduced that the victim had been turning away, either to take off his clothes

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