The Part Time People

Free The Part Time People by Tom Lichtenberg, Benhamish Allen

Book: The Part Time People by Tom Lichtenberg, Benhamish Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Lichtenberg, Benhamish Allen
    DeBarrie's needed help again. The part time people never lasted very long. The most recent had seemed okay at first. His name was Martin and he played the flute. He was fluent in German, and he liked to watch reality television. Joe DeBarrie scanned Martin’s old application one more time before consigning it to the trash bin. It didn't tell him much. His own remarks were limited to "clean, plain, straight-forward". Now, only two months later, he marveled at how wrong he'd been. Maybe it’s me, he thought, I really know how to pick them.
    Aside from the part time people problem, DeBarrie's Stationery ran like a well inked machine. Joe and his brother Mike ran the place. They were the third generation of DeBarrie's to do so. Joe had the management job. He took care of all the buying, hiring, and paperwork. Mike took care of all the sales activity on the floor. This was the time-honored division of labor established by their father, Mike Senior, the patriarch.
    They were an unlikely pair. Joe was tall and thin, had lousy eyesight and started going bald when he was twenty one. He was quiet, slow, methodical, and never made a movement that he didn't seem to have carefully considered first. Mike was short and bulky, dark haired, energetic, active, the spitting image of the old man. He was always in motion, always doing something. He was extremely quick when it came to things about the store, but impenetrably slow on other matters.
    Mike was loud and cheerful, always ready with a positive thought, always thinking the best of everything and everyone. It wasn't that he was dumb, because he wasn't, but because he felt it was the happiest way to live, and he was right.
    DeBarrie's had one other full time employee, Gwen Carter. She usually worked the register, and also helped Mike with sales. Gwen had started out as a part-timer herself a few years earlier
    Joe wished they could do without the extra help. The trouble was that no one wanted to work six shifts a week. They needed someone to help on Mondays, Saturdays, and Thursday evening. The business couldn't afford being closed on Saturday, and there were regular customers who depended on the Thursday evening hours. This all meant that a part time person was unavoidable. If only they weren't such a pain, he thought. Well, as long as we don't get another Martin, Joe told himself, it will be okay, but still he felt that somehow it was all his fault. Oh well, he thought, chalk it all up to experience. He stuffed the application in the folder and slammed the file drawer shut. He picked up the “Help Wanted” sign from behind the cabinet, and ventured out into the store to put it on the window. I'll have to make another sign soon, he thought, this one's already falling apart.
    Mike glanced at the sign as he walked in. “Martin?” He asked.
    “Yeah, I guess he really isn’t coming back, We’ve given it as much time as we can. At least Gwen’s happy. She always thought he was creepy.” Joe said.
    “Don’t worry Joe, we’ll find someone we can live with soon enough.” Mike went over to the safe to get the money for the register.
    Joe waited for Mike to count the money before he unlocked the doors, “Open for business” He said. And that was about all the work Joe had to do in the shop that day. Sometimes he felt like a part time person himself. Not that he didn't belong, that he wasn't essential and important to the business, but just that he was extra. He couldn't explain it to himself. His work was almost entirely behind the scenes, and he often felt out of touch with the everyday operations of the place. I should work on Saturdays and Thursday evenings, he thought. I should be out here on the floor more often, and then we could forget about the part time people altogether. But that would never work, and he knew it. He hated selling things. He simply couldn't deal with it.
    Joe had never shown the

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