The End of Time

Free The End of Time by Avi

Book: The End of Time by Avi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avi
life,” Gerard went on, “is it not our obligation to live as best we may? Lords and kings are more successful at it. How do they do it? They tax the poor.Well then, may not a poor man levy a tax as well? They have laws and soldiers to enforce their tax. We have our wits and blades. Is there a flea’s breadth of difference?”
    “A fair speech, brother!” cried Rauf, laughing.
    How I wished I had words to answer him. When I said nothing, Elena said, “Crispin, I suspect you are young enough to be still trying to cling to your soul.”
    “I try,” I murmured all too weakly.
    “Mark me, Master Crispin,” said Rauf mockingly. “In all of Christendom, there are but two sorts: thieves and those who supply the thieves with their needs. Each must choose which part to play. Did not Our Lord Jesus honor thieves when Saint Dismas—the good thief—was crucified with Him and joined Him in heaven?”
    To my shame, I did not know how to answer. I caught Woodeth’s eye. She was staring at me. I chose to see some sympathy. But she said nothing.
    The money was all shoved into Rauf’s bag—the one I had looked into before.
    Their taunting done, I sat alone and brooded over what had been said. They seemed bent upon making me despise myself, seeking to make me like them. I told myself that a sinful life likes companionship just to ease the sin. I sought further consolation by choosing to believe they were onlysaying these things to salve their guilty souls.
    As I sat there, I kept trying to imagine how Bear would have answered them. Or what Troth would have done. I eyed the bloodstains on my clothing. It gave me the thought: I had been privileged to be with Troth and Bear—whom I considered angels. Perhaps God had sent these devils to test me. Shuddering, I was sure that unless I could redeem myself, I was truly lost and damned.
    The best I could do was put my mind to ponder what they might be planning for Calais. I began to fear that they had welcomed me to do some particular service. But what that might be, I could not imagine.
    For the moment, however, Elena decided that Gerard should take his rest, which meant we traveled no more that day. During this time, I remained quiet, trying to be with them but not of them. No one told me I must remain. That said, many a furtive glance informed me I was being watched. My fear of them was such that I might as well have been in a dungeon. I had no doubt that if I had tried to escape, I would have been hauled back…or worse.
    I watched Owen. He was ordered about by first one and then another of the family. He carried food. Cleaned boots. Beat dust from robes. Hauled wood for the fire and then tended it. While they talked among themselves—with littlemind to him—not a word was shared with him, though both Rauf and Gerard occasionally administered a cuff or a kick. As the boy had claimed, he was treated like a slave. The only one who showed him any kindness was Woodeth, and that but an occasional soft word. Moreover, she did so furtively, clearly not wishing to be heard by the others.
    When the day was done—we ate bread and cheese—and night closed in, they let me sleep where I chose. I kept telling myself I should leave. I didn’t. It was not merely my fear of them. I’ll not deny it: I found some safety in being with them. Better with than against. Besides, I kept telling myself that once they led me to Calais—which I doubted I could find on my own—I’d escape and find a ship bound for Iceland.
    I settled down to sleep, as did the others. I don’t know how much later it was when I was woken by a pull on my arm. I struggled out of my sleep to see Owen bending over me—as he had the night before.
    “Crispin,” he whispered very softly. “Are you awake?”
    “I’ve learned their plan.”
    I stared up at him and his poor, bruised face. “What is it?”
    “They intend to steal from that merchant’s house. Theplace where they’re going to play.”

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