Midnight Shadows

Free Midnight Shadows by Ella Grace

Book: Midnight Shadows by Ella Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Grace
ever known anything was wrong. On the trip home, things had fallen apart. And he had been losing ground ever since.
    “She’s been busy with their new agency. I’m not sure when she’ll be free for another visit.”
    “I hope our little impromptu party didn’t scare her off. I know all the Mackenzies at one time can be a little overwhelming.”
    Hell of an understatement, but that hadn’t been the reason for Sabrina’s panic. It’d had more to do with the dozen or so people that had asked that all too sensitive question of: “When are you and Ian going to tie the knot?”  
    By the time they’d gotten in his Jeep to head home, his own head had been spinning. And Sabrina? She hadn’t talked the entire trip home—five freaking hours of silence.
    Since explaining the problem to his mother would only bring about more questions, Ian went with the blandest, most truthful comment he could come up with. One that was sure to please her and change the subject. “She told me that your risotto was the best she’d ever had and wants your recipe.”
    His mother, no fool, laughed. “I know what you’re doing Ian Mackenzie. However, I’ll let you get away with it. I’ll email you my recipe so you can give it to Sabrina.”
    “Thanks, Mom.” They both knew his words were for more than the recipe.
    “So how is the Mackenzie gang?”
    As expected, his mother began a litany, starting with Ian’s oldest sibling, and brought him up-to-date. Accustomed to his mother’s chatty updates, Ian took the notes he’d jotted down about Cruz and moved them to the board.  
    He continued to work as he heard that his brother Colin had received a new promotion at his bank position, his sister Sinead was up for partnership in her law firm, and his sister-in-law, Melanie, was considering returning to college for her masters. Good news always traveled fast in the Mackenzie household. Ian was glad to hear it all but came to an abrupt halt at his mother’s last bit of news.  
    “What do you mean Alana passed her drivers test?”
    “Made a perfect score.”
    “She’s too young to get her driver’s license.”
    “She’s sixteen.”
    “Exactly. Too young.”
    “Same age as you when you got yours. How is she younger than you were?”
    “She just is.”  
    Yeah, it was a lame comeback but dammit, his baby sister out on the road by herself? With maniacs driving all around her? When had she grown up? He still remembered the day she’d come into the family. Though he’d been a Mackenzie for a while, he was still in awe of just how lucky he’d gotten with his ready made, too loud and loving family. His mom had walked in the door with a tiny, fragile little girl in her arms. Skin pale as milk and big blue eyes showing the exact same fear he’d often felt. He’d become her big brother that day and had done his best to shield and protect her. But now that she was growing up, how was he going to do that?
    Another horrifying thought hit him. “Just tell me she’s not dating yet.”
    “No one steady, but she’s been on a few double dates.” Knowing her son well, she added, “Your dad has interrogated both boys already so there’s no need to come down here for the same thing.”
    The hard lump in his stomach eased. Of course his dad would take care of that. A former US Marine, Barry Mackenzie could be as intimidating as The Hulk. Only his family and close friends knew he was a gentle teddy bear inside.
    “Good to know, but if it looks like she’s getting serious with someone, let me know.”
    “I will, but she’s got a good sensible head on her shoulders.”
    Ian couldn’t argue with that. His sister was smart as a whip. “True but there are a lot of assholes out there disguised as decent people.”
    “Language, Ian.”
    Ian winced. “Sorry, Mom.”
    “She’ll be careful. We’ll make sure of it.”
    That was good enough for him. The Mackenzies took care of each other. Always had. No matter what background or experiences

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