Erotic Influence

Free Erotic Influence by Missy Jane

Book: Erotic Influence by Missy Jane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Missy Jane
don’t know what to do.”
    Then she unexpectedly burst into tears.
    Tammy didn’t hesitate to pull Annie into a tight hug and it
definitely helped. She cried against her sister and let all the fear and
confusion drain out of her. So what if Rick was the hottest guy in her
universe? She wasn’t exactly dog meat. She felt plain and boring, but she had a
decent body. He sure as hell seemed to like it. And anyway, there were plenty
of other single women in the area. Even in their small subdivision there were
at least two single women who were closer to his age. If he had wanted one of
them Annie had no doubt he could have had them. But he’d chosen her. And it was
seriously overwhelming.
    Her sobs finally slowed to sniffles and Tammy rubbed her
back before pulling away enough to see her face. “Hey, big sis, it can’t be
that bad. I mean, you had sex with one serious hunk o’man. You should be
celebrating, not crying.”
    Annie snorted out a laugh and the last of her tears slipped
down her cheeks. She wiped them away and hugged her sister again. “Thanks. I
needed that.”
    “I don’t think I understand why.”
    With a sigh Annie shrugged and stepped away to lean on the
kitchen counter. “I’m just worried and confused. And a little scared, you know?
I mean, he might only be two years older but it seems like a decade at least. I
feel so immature compared to him. He’s got his own house and car, a great job
and a life. What do I have? A crappy part-time job and a father who won’t let
me check the mail without him waiting in the truck. It’s ridiculous.”
    Tammy nodded in understanding as she chewed on her pink
fingernails. “Yeah, I see what you mean. But hey, Dad does let us walk down to
the mailboxes without him on Saturdays, right?”
    It was Annie’s turn to roll her eyes. “Yeah, but I still
have no driver’s license and no future. And that reminds me, we need to go
check the mail.”
    “Uh, no. No, we don’t.”
    Tammy immediately turned away and a sense of unease settled
over Annie. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
    Tammy’s shoulders rose and fell with her breath as she
slowly turned back to face her sister. “We picked up the mail on the way home
and I got a letter from U of H.”
    “Yeah? What does it say? Which campus?”
    Tammy had been praying every night for an acceptance letter
into the University of Houston. Annie had too. The campus was far enough away
to necessitate living there but close enough for comfort and Annie’s piece of
    “It’s from the main campus. And it says I got in.”
    “Woo-hoo!” Annie flew at her sister and pulled her into a
bear hug, hopping from one foot to the other in excitement. Tammy laughed in
her ear but when Annie pulled back there were tears in her sister’s eyes. The
look on her face wasn’t joyful.
    “What’s the problem, sis? Why aren’t you happy?”
    Tammy shook her head and ran the back of her arm over her
eyes. “It’s too much, Annie. I’ve applied for every scholarship I’m eligible
for and I’ve only been granted a few. But they’re all small. I mean, I could
probably go for one semester. But then what?”
    Her shaky voice almost put Annie in tears again but she
straightened her spine and did her best not to crumple. She was the big sister
here. She needed to be the strong one. Rick’s voice echoed through her head
with the promise of at least one thousand dollars, and that was just one shoot.
What if she could ask for more work? That was it. It was a no-brainer really.
Plus she had her savings.
    She smiled at Tammy and hugged her again. “Don’t worry about
it, sis. I’ve got something in the works that will help pay for at least the
first year. After that we’ll see, okay?”
    Tammy brows shot up again but at least her chin stopped
trembling. “You do?”
    “Yup. I just found out about it today so I don’t have all
the details yet. But don’t worry about it.”
    “Is it…” She glanced at small opening in the

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