Mafia Enforcer's Sassy Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family Series Book 4)

Free Mafia Enforcer's Sassy Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family Series Book 4) by Leslie North

Book: Mafia Enforcer's Sassy Lover (The Karzhov Crime Family Series Book 4) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
businessman, a giver to the community, a nice guy. He didn’t hit his wife’s kids. No…he did worse. He lectured, he yelled…he said things that cut deeper than a knife and left invisible bruises.
    She’d tried to take David fifteen months ago. They’d been caught and her stepfather had charged her with kidnapping. Because she was David’s sister—and she’d never been in trouble before—she’d been given a slap on the hand and warned. If she tried it again, she’d end in prison. But she had to get David out of there.
    At nine, David deserved a lot more—he deserved to be a kid. And Tori had dug deep enough to figure out her stepdad’s business wasn’t going so well. He needed money. She made an agreement with her stepfather. He’d sign over guardianship for twenty thousand. Cash. And it had to be paid to him within another thirty days.
    “Tori? Please. He hit me last night.”
    Tori sucked in a breath. Her skin chilled and red hazed her vision. “David, where is he now? Did he go to work like usual?”
    “Yeah. He… Tori, he locked me in the closet.”
    Taking a calming breath, she spoke softly into the phone, “David, I’m coming for you. Grab whatever you want to take. I’ll be there in twenty, okay?”
              “And, David…be safe. Just sit tight and don’t be scared. Don’t do anything to make him mad. I’ll deal with him.”
    She hung up and strode for her office. She yanked her suitcase from its hiding place and then rummaged through it until her hand closed on the large Bowie knife—the one her dad had left her. She didn’t know a damn thing about guns, but her dad—her real dad—had taught her how to handle a hunting knife. As a girl, she’d practiced with it until it had become an extension of her own hand.
    She had over nineteen thousand dollars stashing in the floorboard of her car. She’d take David and they’d run. She’d run so far and fast their stepdad would never find them. Dammit, she should have done this months ago. She should never have trusted that Earl’s meanness would stay to just saying terrible things.
    She heard her office door shut and she jumped. She looked up to see Kostya standing in front of the door, staring at her.
    She grabbed her suitcase and started pushing clothing back into it. “I’m sorry, Kostya. I really am, but I quit!”
    “What is going on? Now you must tell me who is this David? Why do you look as if you are about to carry out a vendetta?”
    Tori shook her head, “There are more important things in this world. You’ll find someone else.”
    She grabbed her suitcase and looked at Kostya. “I have to go now.” Tori glanced at the clock and back to Kostya. “And that means right now.”
    Kostya stood in front of the door, his arms crossing over his chest. “I am not going anywhere, and you are not either. Not until after you tell me what is happening? And not until you tell me what that knife is for.”

Chapter 16
    Kostya nodded to the large Bowie knife Tori had pulled from her bag. Why would she have such a weapon? This woman never failed to surprise him.
    She shot him a twisted grimace. “It’s for hunting. Now, please move. If I had time to explain, I would, but I don’t.”
    “Yes, you do.” Kostya planted his legs wider. “You are agitated. Something in that call upset you. Greatly. Tell me what is happening and I’ll help you.”
    “You can’t help me! No one can. This is my business, so just get out of my way. I’m running out of time!”
    “What does this have to do with David?”
    Tori stiffened. He could see in her eyes that she had realized he meant to keep her here until she told him what was going on. Obviously it was some kind of trouble. A very grave one for her to pick up such a knife as that one. He had no fear of such a weapon. He could easily take it from her. But he did not want her walking out of here to face…to face anything. He had to admit the truth to

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