WMIS 06 Tied With Me

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Book: WMIS 06 Tied With Me by Kristen Proby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Proby
remind him as he peels my panties over my hips and down my legs, discarding them on the floor.
    “You’re fine.”
    I bite my lip as he settles between my legs, nudging me open with his wide shoulders. “Fuck, you’re beautifully wet for me already.”
    He glides a fingertip over the soft bare skin of my pubis, down the crease where my thigh meets my torso, then back up and over the other side, without actually touching the sensitive skin that’s screaming for him.
    “You have a freckle right here,” he murmurs and plants his fingertip just to the right of my lips.  
    I gasp and have to consciously keep my hands over my head.
    “Good girl.” His voice is full of approval, and part of me glows brighter.  
    I love hearing his voice like this, the feel of his hands touching me as he pleases, pleasing me in turn. I’d keep my hands over my head for a week to keep his voice just like this.
    His finger moves in, sliding in my wetness, from my slick entrance to my clit and back down again, slowly, leisurely.  
    Jesus, the man has the patience of a saint.
    Finally, he leans in and plants a chaste kiss over my clit, then drags the tip of his tongue down into my folds, wraps his lips around them and sucks, hollowing his cheeks.
    My hips buck up, and it takes everything in me to keep my wrists planted on the mattress over my head. His hands grip my hips, hard, and I settle, letting him take me wherever he wants to go.
    He buries two fingers inside me and makes love to my clitoris with his mouth, sending me over into a mind-numbing climax. I plant my heels in his back and scream his name as I come against his mouth, my world shattering spectacularly around me.
    As I return to planet Earth, I’m surprised to find my hands still over my head. Matt has continued his journey down my legs, kissing and massaging my muscles as he goes.
    “Sometime soon I’ll tie your feet up as well.”  
    My eyes find his smiling down at me. “Then you’ll be completely at my mercy.”
    “I think I am already,” I reply breathlessly.
    “Perhaps.” He shrugs. “I have so much more to show you.”
    He turns me onto my stomach, then checks to make sure my arms are at a comfortable angle above my head and I can breathe comfortably. “Okay?”  
    “I’m good,” I reply.  
    He kisses my cheek and then buries his face in my neck, tugging the flesh with his teeth.  
    “Tell me if the ribbon starts to pull too tight, or if you can’t breathe freely,” he instructs, then begins another journey with his lips down my back. He kisses the tattoo on my shoulder, making me grin.  
    I’m glad he likes it so much. I think it’s pretty, and I like to wear clothes that show it off.
    My entire body is one big tingle as his lips and fingers journey over my skin. I can feel his warmth against me, and every once in a while, his erection will press against me, making me swallow hard, remembering how it feels to have him buried so deep inside me.
    “Tell me about this,” he whispers, kissing the ink over the left side of my ribs softly.
    “I got it when I opened the shop,” I tell him, loving the flutter of his lips over my skin.  
    “Recite it to me,” he demands.  
    I frown. He’s looking right at it. He can read it.  
    “I want to hear it from your lips,” he clarifies.
    “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
    “Why these words?” he asks.  
    I bite my lip. Jesus, he’s stripping me bare, body and soul here, and I love it and am afraid of it all at the same time.  
    Suddenly, he slaps my ass, and whispers in my ear, “What did I say about answering my questions?”
    “Opening Sweets took everything I had. Failure isn’t an option for me.”
    “Ah, baby,” he murmurs.  
    I hear the crinkling of a wrapper and the dip of the bed as he sheds his briefs before his hands glide down my back to my ass, over my hips and thighs. “You are an amazing woman,

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