WMIS 06 Tied With Me

Free WMIS 06 Tied With Me by Kristen Proby

Book: WMIS 06 Tied With Me by Kristen Proby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Proby
    “Well, I am curious, and I do like you, Matt. But I need to be clear with you, this is new to me, and I’m not okay with being told how to live my life.”
    “That’s fair.” I nod. “And this also needs to be said: I don’t share, Nic. Ever. I won’t let other Doms touch you. They may watch”—her eyes widen at that—“but they’ll never touch you.”
    “I don’t share either,” she whispers.
    “Good, then we’re on the same page.”
    I stand with her in my arms. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
    “Wow, that was quick,” she replies sarcastically.
    “We are both exhausted, baby. I’d like to curl up around you and sleep for about eight hours and then wake up and bury myself inside you for another eight.”
    She checks her watch and grins. “I have to be at work in thirty-six hours.”
    “You have tomorrow off?”
    She nods happily.
    “Then we’d better get started.”
    She laughs and points in the direction of her bedroom.  
    I like her apartment. It’s small, but there’s little clutter. The furniture is updated but not too fancy.
    But her bedroom pulls at my heart. It’s pure woman. The bed is a king-size four-poster with sheer curtains hanging at each corner.
    “We’re going to have fun with this bed, sweetheart.”
    She grins and lays her head on my shoulder as I look around the room. I was here before but admittedly was too busy looking at her to take in her bedroom. Her bedding has small pink roses on it. A vanity in one corner of the room is covered in makeup and hair stuff, and there is a pile of shoes in another corner.
    “You don’t have enough storage space,” I comment.
    “It’s an older building, so it doesn’t have much for closets.”
    I set her on her feet and strip her down to her black panties, pull the ribbon out of her hair and lay it on the bedside table, and take a deep breath.
    Fuck me, she’s gorgeous.
    She has more ink, which I intend to fully explore later. Her body is petite. Thin, but not too thin. She has round breasts with dusky nipples that tighten as I continue to watch them.
    A glimpse of silver winks at me from her navel.
    “Shh…I just want to look for a moment.”
    Her skin is tanned. Her thighs are slim, but they still touch when she’s standing.
    She’s a real woman, through and through.
    I lick my lips and hold her gaze in mine. “You are amazingly beautiful.”
    She fidgets, and I immediately pull her to me, kiss her softly and draw the linens back on the bed and lay her gently on the soft pink sheets. She watches with sleepy eyes as I also shed my clothing, leaving just my boxer-briefs on, and join her. I turn her back to me and tuck her against me, bury my face in her soft dark hair and inhale the warm scent of vanilla.
    “Sleep, little one.”
    “Sweet dreams,” she whispers.

Chapter Five
    Someone is planting soft kisses on my right shoulder, over my tattoo. Fingertips drag lazily up and down my arm, sending shivers down my body, pulling me out of a deep, restful sleep. I wiggle back, tucking my ass even closer to Matt’s hips, enjoying the way his hardness feels against my back. He’s warm and hard, everywhere.
    “Good morning,” he whispers against my ear, then nuzzles it with his nose.
    “Mornin’,” I reply softly.  
    His hand drifts down to my breast, and his fingers thrum gently over my nipple, making it pucker under his soft touch.  
    This is the most amazing way to wake up. Slow. Sexy.  
    He drags his nose down my neck and kisses my shoulder again.  
    “I’m going to spend the next hour or so exploring every inch of your delectable little body,” he warns me with a whisper, making me grin.
    This does not sound like a bad deal at all.
    “Is that a threat?” I whisper, teasing him.
    “If you like,” he agrees. “But here’s how it’s going to work.”  
    His hand drifts down to my wrist, which he brings up to his lips. He kisses the sensitive skin on the inside

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