Abby's Christmas Spirit

Free Abby's Christmas Spirit by Erin McCarthy

Book: Abby's Christmas Spirit by Erin McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCarthy
Tags: Romance
it down a notch, to sit still in body, active in mind. So she just alternated between glancing out the window and glancing at him, remembering what it had felt like to have his tongue lave across her tender flesh. No one had ever come even close to drawing that kind of response from her.
    It wasn’t surprising that it was him. What was surprising was how he had managed to unearth layers of her sexuality that she hadn’t even been aware she had.
    Going to a motel, especially one that wasn’t even remotely glamorous, should have bothered her, but it didn’t. This was the man she was supposed to be, the man she had waited three years for. If there were any reservations, she was willing to squash them like an unexpected roach in the kitchen.
    She did wonder why he wasn’t staying at one of the newer chain hotels out by the highway and the plastics factory, but she didn’t think it was important enough to question. Maybe he just liked holding on to his money instead of tossing it around.
    “Sorry, this isn’t exactly the Ritz. But for a few days and a skeletal crew, I was trying to cut costs.”
    “No problem.” Abby waited until Darius stepped down out of his truck before she followed suit. He held the motel room door open for her and she wandered in.
    It smelled musty, but it looked clean and tidy. He had one bag sitting on the floor and some toiletries by the sink. That was it.
    He tossed a box of condoms on the nightstand and stripped off his coat. So he had prepared for this. Abby unraveled her scarf, waiting to feel nervous. She had never had a hook-up before. But that wasn’t really what this was and she didn’t feel remotely nervous or uncertain. She draped her scarf over a chair by the desk.
    Then closed her eyes when Darius came over and lifted her hair, kissing the back of her neck.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he told her. “Exotic.”
    “Exotic? That’s a stretch.” But she was pleased. She couldn’t help it. Any woman would be pleased to have a man like Darius complimenting them.
    Turning towards him, she kissed him, loving the feel of his mouth on hers. They molded together, head to toe, their bodies already starting a sinuous dance with each other. His hips pressed against hers in a steady rhythm and his tongue teased across her bottom lip, forcing her mouth open to accept him.
    When he plunged inside her, the shift was immediate. A slow, sensuous kiss became demanding, their destination obvious. This wasn’t going to be a lengthy seduction. He wanted her now. And she wanted to be taken. Hard.
    He pulled back just far enough to tear her sweater up and over her head. It landed on the desk in a heap. She expected him to suck her nipple, kiss her more. But he didn’t. He stripped her bra off then went straight to her jeans, his desperation obvious and exciting. Abby responded by popping the snap on his own jeans. They clawed at each other, until they were both naked from the waist up.
    Darius picked Abby up and carried her to the bed, already breathing hard, already hard enough to cut glass. He couldn’t believe what she did to him. It was those eyes. They were huge, luminous, and she looked at him like she saw everything there was to see. There was something bewitching about her. He hated to use that word, but there wasn’t another. It was true. She owned him when she stared at him, her rosy lips slightly parted, and he needed to taste her, touch her, all of her.
    With frantic jerks, he took her jeans down. She lifted her hips to help, hands brushing against her dusky nipples in a way that had him throbbing with want. When she was laid out before him, beautifully naked, it was all he could to restrain himself.
    “Darius,” she said, her voice honeyed, coaxing. “Please.”
    It was all he needed to hear. He had his pants off and a condom on in thirty seconds, his mouth hot with desire. Bending over her, he gave her a searing kiss. Her fingers gripped his cock and she brought him to her, right

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