Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts

Free Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts by Elmer L. Towns

Book: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts by Elmer L. Towns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elmer L. Towns
the solution to the problem. The Bible speaks to all issues without naming every issue. Just as a new car has an “operator’s manual,” so God has given us the Bible as our operator’s manual containing principles for all of life. Although every issue is not discussed in the Bible, the basic principles of life still apply to every issue. If at all possible, have available Christian and secular books dealing with the topic. (Consult your local Christian bookstores for books about the topic.) Also, find information by consulting concordances, Bible dictionaries and encyclopedias, commentaries and topical handbooks.
    Step 3: Evaluate the Facts
    During the Ezra Fast, you will have time to think through your problem. First, write out the problem from the top of your head. Then as you pray, attempt to rewrite the problem from the bottom of your heart. There can be a difference between the top of your head and the bottom of your heart, just as there is a difference between your objective analysis and your emotional commitment. Your problem and its stifling influences may exist somewhere between the two.
    During the Ezra Fast, spend time in prayer, and when God reveals new insight, redefine the problem. Each time you spend extended time in the presence of God, come back to your pencil and paper to define the problem again. It is said that the steps to solving a problem are taken in the steps to defining the problem.
    • Find the problem.
    • Define the problem.
    • Refine the problem.
    • Redefine the problem.
    Step 4: Determine the Various Solutions to the Problem
    Too often Christians expect an answer in an environment of sublime contentment. They think problem solving occurs without effort. They expect God to speak out of a vacuum, and that is not His usual way. God speaks through information found in the Word and from other sources. You may go into a quiet place for prayer; however, there are more steps to solving a problem than just prayer and contemplation.
    Follow the problem-solving steps to find a solution. As you enter into the Ezra Fast, every time a solution to your problem comes to mind, write it down. Obviously, not all of the ideas that come into your head will be good ones. Even so, write them down. Through the discipline of writing down even a ridiculous solution, the correct solution may “pop” into your mind. One solution may trigger another. Therefore, do not attempt to solve your problem until you have exhausted your list of solutions.
    Even then, your exhaustive list of solutions may not be
exhaustive list. Share your list with others, especially those who are on the Ezra Fast with you. Maybe they have a thought or idea you have missed, and vice versa.
    On rare occasions, you may want to ask everyone participating in the Ezra Fast for solutions. About 150 years ago, the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, Georgia, was contemplating building a new sanctuary. The building was to be set toward the rear of the property, resulting in a large front yard. Everyone voted unanimously for the project except one lady, who withheld her vote. It is said that she prayed (we do not know if she fasted), then went to the chairman of the session and shared her idea.
    She suggested building the new sanctuary toward the front of theproperty, to allow room for a garden between the sanctuary and an educational building toward the rear. The garden could be used for weddings and social gatherings. It would be a garden where the beautiful camellias and azaleas of the area could grow.
    Furthermore, beautiful windows on either side of the pulpit could face the lovely garden. Because there were no electric lights in those days, the windows would shed light on the pulpit. When brought to vote by the congregation, again there was a unanimous vote—this time to move the sanctuary forward and allow for the garden. It is possible for one small voice in a congregation to offer a

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