Shackled Lily

Free Shackled Lily by T L Gray

Book: Shackled Lily by T L Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: T L Gray
of us want to relive, so let’s just say that I love to party and have fun, and you look like a guy who’s got a few connections…and the ability to keep ego maniacs off of me.”
    “And what makes you think I have connections?”
    Just then, two equally large men walked up to Reggie and did some kind of hand slap hello before settling appreciative eyes on me. I looked up at him and smiled smugly before introducing myself to his friends.
    The shortest one with blond hair and blue eyes took the most interest in me, asking me all sorts of questions about school. I flirted back and before the conversation was over, had a personal invitation to a back to school party the football team was putting on. They had apparently rented out the alumni clubhouse for the night and promised a great time.
    Before I could agree, Reggie’s arm was around my shoulder, pulling me along with him. “Come on, Tink,” he said shaking his head. “It’s a good thing I have little sisters.”
    “Tink?” I questioned.
    “Yeah, like Tinkerbell, the tiny, green fairy that wouldn’t go away,” he explained with a smirk.
    I thought about it for a second and decided I liked it. Tinkerbell never grew up and could fly. Could there be a better nickname? “Works for me,” I agreed as I curled my arm around his.
    Reggie deposited me off at my next class and reluctantly agreed to meet me for lunch at the student union. This class was much smaller and more intense as most math classes often were. It had been two years since I looked at math and secretly wished Avery was still in the room next to me. She could do this stuff in her sleep. Oh well, I could buy old tests on line and at least pull a passing grade without much effort.
    I exchanged numbers with a shy, smart girl named Kari, who took more notes in this one class than I had in all two years I was in college. Yep, she would be a good resource.
    I quickly realized that Western Carolina was much like Winsor except everything was larger. The classrooms, the buildings and even the student union was double what I was used to. I perched myself on a bench outside and tried once again to text Jake and Avery while I waited for Reggie to show up. Still no answer. Something was definitely going on.
    I looked up when I heard Reggie clear his throat and saw him standing hand in hand with one of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. She was tall on her own, but her three-inch heels put her almost eye to eye with Reggie. Her skin was a light brown color that was so flawless I almost wanted to reach out and touch it. I watched as her full lips turned up to smile warmly at me and I returned the gesture, noticing the sparkle in her large brown eyes.
    Reggie looked a little bored, but made the introductions. “Tink, this is Candace, my girlfriend.” This was the best-case scenario for a girlfriend because there was no way she’d feel threatened by me.
    “It’s Issy, actually,” I replied reaching out my hand. “But, since Reggie has been my savior today, I let him call me whatever he wants to. It’s very nice to meet you.”
    Candace shook my hand politely and then let go of Reggie’s hand so she could walk with me into the building. As we approached the food court, Candace filled me in on all the gossip regarding the people who would likely sit with us.
    “The blond one you met today,” she continued. “Don’t ever take a drink from him or get in a room alone with him. He’s not a good guy.”
    “Good to know,” I said nodding.
    “The rest of the guys are pretty harmless, but most of their girlfriends are territorial. Don’t worry, though, you’re with Reggie and me, so they’ll be nice to you…despite how gorgeous you are,” she said with a wink. “The only one really worth dating is Rusty. He’s a genuinely good guy. Girls try and throw themselves at him all the time, and he never pays them any attention. He prefers the good girls.”
    I started to laugh. “Well, that certainly puts

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