Whole Latte Life

Free Whole Latte Life by Joanne DeMaio

Book: Whole Latte Life by Joanne DeMaio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne DeMaio
Tags: Contemporary
says with a proud smile. “And this dress! What is it? Valentino or vintage?”
    “The secret is to leave them wondering.” Teri stands after spending her break at their table. “I am so glad you made it tonight. Tell Sara I missed her?” She turns to Michael. “And it was nice to meet you,” she says, reaching for his hand.
    “The pleasure was mine. Wonderful show.”
    “I’ll email you,” Rachel tells her.
    Michael notices, all night, the details Rachel decided to tell, to not tell. She hadn’t mentioned the disappearance to Teri, saying only that Sara Beth wasn’t feeling well. He waits for Rachel to say goodbye before guiding her through the crowd to the damp night outside. A fine sheen of moisture reflects off the city streets.
    “How could Sara Beth have missed this? Teri’s our old friend. This is what life’s about, celebrating the milestones.”
    “Maybe she’s having a milestone of her own.”
    Rachel looks up at him, slowing her step.
    “To disappear here? With just enough communication to buy her freedom? A breakdown can be a milestone.” He turns up the collar of his overcoat as the rain gets heavier. “Let’s get a cab. I know a little place not too far from here.”
    It takes a few minutes in the wet weather to find an empty taxi. “Why don’t you call her husband now?” Michael asks when they settle into the back seat.
    The rain-streaked window distorts the city lights, playing tricks on their eyes. Rachel looks out at the few passersby. “I’m going to wait a little longer. Maybe she’ll come around.”
    “What exactly are you waiting for? Her body showing up in a dumpster? I’m sorry if it sounds harsh, but it does happen. Maybe you should call before you regret it.”
    “Listen, Sara Beth is an adult. This was her decision and I’m not going to chase her down. She told me specifically she needed this time.”
    “If you’re sure.”
    “This must be what she wants,” Rachel answers as she pulls her cell phone from her purse. There are no messages. “You know, this night really meant a lot to me. But she walked away from it.” She gives in to a small smile, giving Sara Beth the benefit of the doubt. “I guess she has her reasons, but I’ve had this evening planned for months. And you have been wonderful, taking me to Bobo’s and to see Teri. I really don’t want it to end yet. Thank you for asking about Sara, but I’d rather go to the club you mentioned.”
    He doesn’t push Rachel to change her mind. Lights reflect on the wet street in glistening ribbons. Leaning forward in the dark cab, he gives the driver the address. Once inside the club, he checks their coats and the host leads them to a booth along a side wall. A three-piece jazz combo holds the floor, the lighting low.
    Before they settle in the booth, Rachel scans the patrons, looking for Sara Beth’s face. Behind a drink, in the shadows, lost in a crowd, she searches for even a silhouette. It makes Michael wonder why Sara Beth bothered to plan this trip with Rachel. It should have been perfect. As time passes, this friend has to feel Rachel’s disappointment. She has to think of Rachel, doesn’t she? Maybe she doesn’t. Maybe the situation is that bad, because Rachel seems too nice to hurt otherwise.
    “What a difference a day makes,” he thinks out loud.
    “What do you mean?”
    His gaze moves around the club. “One day, two lifelong friends arrive for this posh birthday weekend at The Plaza? And the next day, one friend falls into some midlife crisis? It’s crazy.”
    “And the other friend?”
    He touches his champagne glass to hers, looking at her eyes, fully aware of the long charcoal gray slim skirt, fitted top and unconstructed black velvet jacket specially selected for this evening. Her blonde hair is down and the jewelry of choice is all sterling.
    “She looks gorgeous, in case anyone hasn’t told you recently.”
    “Oh, you New Yorkers,” Rachel says.
    “Happy birthday.” He takes a

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