Champagne Showers

Free Champagne Showers by Adler, Holt

Book: Champagne Showers by Adler, Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adler, Holt
Tags: cookie429, Extratorrents, Kat
game dealing with clients and vendors from Europe.”
    “Aw, I see. Have you ever been?”
    “When I was young, yes. I deal mostly with Italian furniture vendors in Florence and Milan over the phone. I really would love to visit again someday.”
    “You would love Positano, Danielle. The small intimate design shops, exquisite decor and furniture boutiques. It is truly an enchanting city.”
    “It sounds wonderful.”
    “So tell me, have you worked up some grand plans for my Portland property?”
    “Yes, Harrison, I didn’t bring my storyboards to dinner with me but...”
    “Danielle, there is no need for them. I know your taste and I have seen your work. I am sure it is going to be top notch. I would, however, like to see the final sketches when those are complete.”
    “Oh yes, I did bring those.”  I set my oversize clutch on the table and pull out my iPad.
    “I’ve downloaded all of my sketches, here take a look,” I say as I hand him my iPad.
    He stands up and moves his chair so it is now sitting directly by my side. I can feel my body starting to heat up, my pulse beating out of control and my hands trembling. He knows exactly what he is doing to me; I can just feel the smirk on his face as he waits for me to pull up my sketches. It’s been a very long time since a man has made my body tighten up and my pulse quicken like this.
    “Here they are... Just scroll through room by room.”
    “Hmmmm, the water feature in the entry is just the way I had envisioned it. I like how the natural colors are warm but the ice blue is a nice touch, Danielle. Oh, the master. Now the master must have his and her closets,” he says adamantly.
    “Yes, of course.” Okay so he is picturing this place with a ‘her’ in there.
    “So would you like me to contact your significant other and get her input on storage and design?”
    “That won’t be necessary Danielle. There is no one at this time to consult. In the meantime, I can use it for storage.
    I let out a long sigh of relief, “Good, storage. That is a great idea.”
    Yes! No girlfriend or fiancé. I was secretly hoping for that answer. Of course, why should I care anyway? I quickly remind myself my ‘no men’ rule and especially no mixing business with pleasure.
    “Please, just design the closet the way you see fit.”
    “Yes, I’ll get right on that, Harrison.”
    “Everything looks wonderful so far, I am very impressed, Danielle. Slate floors, high-end cabinetry and accents, I love the crown molding at the ceiling and floors. I must say, I would prefer built ins in the master bath, closets, and all bathrooms. Please also add lots of storage in the pantry and built ins in the office closet. I would like to add some sort of artwork to be placed over my safe. As you deal with Italy on a regular basis, please research that for me as well.”
    “Of course,” I say quickly as I jot this down in my smart phone.
    “I will have my builder email you the dimensions on that project.”
    “Buonasera Signore, Signora. May I bring you some wine and our cheese plate to start out with?”
    “Yes, please do. We would like your finest Red Cabernet.”
    “Right away, Signore.”
    “So, Ms. Austen, no longer Mrs. Pyne. Enough business for the moment, what is your story?” he says with an arch of his brow and that smirk.
    I am taken a bit off guard. Why should he want to know my personal life? “My story?
    Let’s see, I was born and raised in Cannon Beach on the Coast. I’m the only child. I have two wonderful parents who have been married for 31 years. They’re the artsy types who live and breathe the creative world. They just opened up Canon Breeze Gallery in the city, so that’s keeping them busy. Mainly my mother.”
    He sits back in his chair facing me now, and the scent of his body wash is turning me on.
    “That is where your design

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