The Sex Surrogate

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Book: The Sex Surrogate by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
trusted him.
it was the first time I had ever fully trusted anyone.
hands went to my arms, rubbing up and down. “I'd like to stay
like this all night too, baby,” he said, his voice low, “but
it's time.”
time for what?” I asked against him, almost sleepy. I tilted my
head and planted a kiss on his chest.
time to take the rest of our clothes off.”
I forgot about that.
stiffen up,” he urged, hands stroking as he pulled me away from
him. “It's okay. You can take as much time as you need, okay?”
you want me to finish first?”
I want to see his cock before I showed him my boobs and... other
stuff? Um. Yeah, no. That wasn't going to work. No way would I be
able to take my clothes off after seeing... that. Nope.
swallowed hard, licking my lips nervously. “Me,” I
nodded, moving away from me and did the absolute worst thing he could
do. He sat down on the couch, staring up at me expectantly. Holy
hell. I wasn't going to get any kind of privacy. I just had to get
bare assed right there while he watched like I was some kind of
stripper. Great. That was just great.
his voice said, firm, a warning. Because he knew my mind was
swirling. “Why don't you start with the stockings, okay?”
he suggested.
I could do that. That wasn't that bad. I leaned forward, grabbing the
clasp at the tiny slip of material holding my stockings to my garter
belt. Then I slid the silken material down my legs. I paused as I
stepped out of the second leg. But there was no going back. I had to
do it. I had to. No matter how much I felt like I was going to vomit.
Thank god I had the foresight to not eat anything all day. My hands
went shakily toward my garter belt, sliding it off.
bra and panties left. I shook my hair so it fell forward, offering me
a small amount of privacy as I bent slightly forward, half blocking
myself from view as I reached behind my back for my clasp and my bra
fell. I reached for the panties, snaking my fingers into the band and
pressing down, my heart beating so hard in my ears and throat that it
was all I could hear. As soon as I stepped out of the feet, I lost
mean... I lost it.
can't, I can't,” I said, going to the floor, bringing my knees
to my chest, wrapping my arms around them, burying my face against my
knees. “I can't. I'm sorry. I just...”
felt like I was falling apart. My skin felt too hot. And I couldn't
draw in a proper breath, leaving me lightheaded. I rocked back and
forth, cradling myself, trying to give myself some sort of comfort.
it's okay,” Chase said, close, and I realized he had gotten on
the ground behind me. His hands reached for me gently, grabbing my
shoulder and knee and pulling me into the space between his legs
until the side of my face was against his chest. One of his hands
went to the side of my neck, the other to my hip. I felt his lips
press down on the top of my head. “It's alright, Ava. Take a
breath, okay?” I drew shaky air into my painful lungs, exhaling
it quickly because it felt like it burned. “Good. Again,”
he said, his hand starting to stroke my hair gently. “Give me a
little better.
minute ago it was a ten, going on eleven. But it was a little better.
Keep breathing,” he had to remind me. “What do you need
from me right now?”
one, literally no one, had ever thought to ask me that before. Which
was amazing. Amazing that no one in my life who watched me suffer
thought to ask that, to ask the one right thing they could
need you to rub my back,” I decided, thinking of how he had put
me to sleep doing that.
shifted slightly, giving him a little more access, then his fingers
traced lightly up and down my spine. “Like this?”
I murmured, turning my face in toward his chest, breathing in his
scent. The hint of cologne, but

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