The Sex Surrogate

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Book: The Sex Surrogate by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
mostly, just... him.
had no idea how long we sat like that, my anxiety inching backward
slowly, freeing up my lungs, slowing my heartbeat. It could have been
hours for all I knew. But it worked. It was working. I was still
naked, but I wasn't freaking out about it anymore.
he said, stopping his stroking. One of his hands slid underneath my
knees, the other across my back. “I am going to take you to the
bed. No, don't tense up,” he said, lifting my weight and
getting to his feet. “I told you, there isn't going to be any
sexual contact today. Okay? Do you trust me?”
the first time in my life, yes.
he said, starting to walk. “I am going to let you get under the
covers so we can do this slowly. So we don't cause another panic
attack. That was my fault.”
it was,” he said, bringing up a leg to balance my body on as he
reached for the comforter and sheets and pulled them back. “I
shouldn't have sat back like you were about to put on a show for me.
That wasn't a good move. I should have known better.”
lowered my onto the mattress, still holding me, grabbing the blanket
and pulling it up my body. As soon as the material was up by my
shoulders, he let me go and I scooted to the center of the bed so he
had room to climb in.
going to take my boxers off,” he told me, reaching for the
you want to watch?”
felt that tightening again, pressing my thighs together against it.
Because I did. I wanted to watch. I felt myself nod tightly.
so hot babe,” he said, putting his hands in the waistband and
pulling the material down.
should have known. I mean the rest of him was tall and wide and
strong. I should have guessed.
there was his cock straining out. Big. Thick. Promising to fill me
more than anyone else ever had. And... I wanted to know what that
felt like.
felt a hot blush rise up on my cheeks at that thought.
are you thinking?” Chase asked, scooting on the bed, slipping
under the blanket with me, turning on the side to watch me.
turned too, bringing my knees up almost as a barrier. I shook my
head. No way I could say it. No fucking way.
tell me baby. You can trust me, remember?” he asked, his hand
going to the side of my face. “Please.”
took a breath. He was right. I needed to work on the communication
thing. “I was thinking about you...” oh, god. This was
excruciating. “... inside me,” I finally admitted.
eyes closed for a second, a muscle ticking in his jaw. When they
opened again, heavy, he shook his head. “God, babe, that makes
me happy. You have no idea how badly I want to be inside you.”
have some idea,” I mumbled, thinking of his hard cock only a
few inches away from me.
made a weird choked sound, then broke out laughing, a deep rolling
sound that was causing all kinds of problems between my thighs.
“You're pretty amazing, do you know that?” he asked,
shaking his head, still smiling.
I was right. On my introductory session, when I thought I couldn't
handle him smiling. I couldn't fucking take it. It was too perfect.
I said, looking away, “what now?” I asked.
eyes shot up, finding a lifted brow. “You want to, don't you?”
he asked, knowing I did. “Here,” he said, rolling onto
his back, the blanket slipping down to his waist, “I'll give
you more access.”
you like... being playful?” I asked, my brows drawing together.
not always serious, you know,” he said, turning his head on the
pillow to look at me.
to know,” I said, pushing myself up slightly, bringing my hand
out from under the blanket, hovering over his skin for a long minute,
then slowly lowering down between his pecs. His breath hissed out of
his mouth, his eyes watching my face intently. Emboldened, I ran my
greedy fingers down his abs, up his sides,

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