The Sex Surrogate

Free The Sex Surrogate by Jessica Gadziala

Book: The Sex Surrogate by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
baby,” he said, smiling a little. Then he leaned forward,
shockingly, resting his forehead against my belly. “You're so
perfect,” he said and the words sent a shock through my system.
praise did something to me.
I fought compliments. I denied them. I certainly never believed them.
I believed Chase. His words settled into my chest and belly, filling
places I hadn't realized were empty. And amazing, flawless Chase
Hudson thought I was perfect .
clumsy, my hand reached down, settling into the hair at the crown of
his head. His face tilted slightly, planting a kiss right below my
navel, before twisting his face up to look at me. He looked like he
was struggling for something to say. Amazing, eloquent, confident Dr.
Chase Hudson at a loss for words.
you're welcome,” he said, smiling up at me.
was so surprised I laughed. No. Not laughed. Giggled. Like a freaking
school girl. Which only made him smile wider, the ends of his eyes
crinkling up slightly with the motion. Then his hands moved to my
hips, pushing me backward so he could slowly stand. With barely a
breath of space between us, he reached up and removed his jacket,
sliding it off his shoulders and arms then throwing it to the floor
on top of my dress. Then, watching me, he started to unbutton his
my god.
He was getting naked.
right in front of me.
I wasn't absolutely terrified.
sure. But more than that, I was actually... curious. I wanted to know
what he looked like underneath all the clothes.
shirt went the way of his jacket, but my eyes stayed on his. To... I
don't know... protect his privacy? Which was ridiculous. “Ava,
look,” he said, watching me. “I want you to look.”
felt my sex tighten at that. Tighten. Hard. Like there was a coil
pulled too tight for a moment, almost painful, before it released.
eyes drifted slowly down, looking at the wide line of his shoulders.
Strong. The kind of shoulders you knew you could always lean on. Then
down to his strong chest. Lower. The lines of his abdominal muscles,
strong, deep. Not the puny kind you can barely make out underneath
the skin, these were etched. Lines I could sink my fingers into. His
hands were at his belt, paused, until my eyes landed on them and they
started working, pulling out of his belt loops and then throwing it
to join the pile of discarded items on the floor. His hands went
automatically to the button of his slacks, pushing it out, then
sliding the zipper down. The backs of his hands pushed against my
belly as he did so and I took a step back so he had room to take off
his pants. They went down quickly and he stepped out of the legs,
somehow pushing his shoes and socks at the same time. My eyes
drifted, just a little, pausing right at his adonis belt, that deep,
deep V that led into his black boxer briefs.
I couldn't let my eyes go below the waistband, so I let my eyes drift
back upward until I found his face again. He gave me a small smile.
“What do you want to do?” he asked, surprising me.
did I want to do?
I had no freaking idea.
what I wanted, what I needed, was a little comfort. A little
thinking about it. Truly, without even knowing my real intention, I
walked into him, wrapping my arms around his back and settling my
face underneath his chin. There wasn't even the slightest hesitation
before his arms went around me, pulling me close. And it didn't even
matter that his arms were on top of mine, trapping them under his
strength. For the first time in my life, I was being legitimately
trapped, and I wasn't freaking out.
my ear, Chase's heart was beating, faster than it would normally be.
His skin felt warm and cozy. And it absolutely did not escape my
notice that his hard cock was pressed into my belly. But it didn't
matter. I trusted him to stay true to his word. There would be no
sexual contact.

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