Larue Donavon 3 - The Ghoul Next Door
you believe it? We’re going to be on TV. Real TV.”
    “ Yeah, not the cable access
channel either.” Mindy did a little dance around the
    “ I can give you a few tips
on entertainment if you’d like.” Elvis leaned against the door
frame with a smile on his face.
    “ Well, yeah. That would be
awesome,” I said. Entertainment advice from Elvis? I’d take it,
although I knew for a fact I’d never be singing or dancing in front
of the camera. They’d pay me not to do that.
    Candy Cherry rolled her eyes. “Please.
They must be desperate if they asked you.”
    “ Hey, you don’t even know
me, so why the nasty comments?”
    “ What did the ghosts say?”
Mindy asked, still trying to temper her excitement.
    I waved off Candy’s smirk. “She’s just
being mean about the show. I’m ignoring her. Anyway, the producer
said we start day after tomorrow, but I have to meet them in the
morning. Tomorrow! How will we sleep tonight?”
    “ I’m pretty sure we won’t
sleep at all. Guess we’ll have to have more margaritas to
celebrate.” Mindy raised her glass in a toast.
    I grabbed my glass and clanked it
against hers. “I have to call Callahan.”
    When I glanced over at Mindy, I
thought she was actually breaking out in a cold sweat. “Honey, do
you want me to get you a cold rag?”
    “ I just remembered that
Elvis is here. This is too much for a girl to handle.” She took
another swig from her glass.
    “ Too bad Elvis can’t sing a
song for us to celebrate.” I stared at Elvis in the hopes that he’d
take the hint.
    “ I guess I could do one
song.” He winked.
    Mr. Fine snorted. “Oh,
    “ Shut up, Mr.
    “ Yeah, shut up and let the
hunk show us his moves.”
    I scowled at Candy Cherry. She had a
point, but she was still rude and I didn’t like her.
    The first lyrics of All Shook Up slid
from Elvis’ lips. The words came out smooth and floated across the
air to my ears like silk. It was then that I realized Elvis
couldn’t help but move. It was as if his lower body was controlled
by his vocal cords. And I was not complaining. Mr. Fine pouted in
the corner, while Candy Cherry was mesmerized. I wondered if Elvis
could keep her in that state permanently. I couldn’t blame her
though because he had the same effect on me. Electric buzzed
through my body as I listened to him sing.
    “ This is so not fair. What’s
going on?” Mindy asked.
    I felt bad that she couldn’t see
Elvis. I needed to remember to tell him to only perform when we
were around. The sacrifices I made, right? I wasn’t looking forward
to telling Mindy what Elvis was doing.
    “ Um, Elvis was singing, but
he’s finished now.”
    Mindy fell back on the sofa. “Oh my
God. I may faint.”
    Next thing I knew she’d take off her
underwear and throw them in the general vicinity of where she
thought Elvis was sitting. I knew what she meant though. And to
make matters worse, I could see Elvis performing. His movements
were sexy even now in ghostly form. And that was saying something
because I’d seen everything on TV nowadays. More than I needed to
see most of the time. His voice was just like velvet.
    We spent the rest of the evening
finishing off the margaritas. Mindy planned what we would wear to
the red-carpet premiere. I told her I was pretty sure there
wouldn’t be a red-carpet event. But she tuned me out and had me in
a red dress with killer heels and her in a lovely shade of blue
with a big flower in her hair.
    That night passed by slower than pond
water. I tossed and turned. I mean, it was almost more than a girl
could handle—an appearance on a TV and Elvis somewhere in my home.
Not to mention my gorgeous boyfriend, Callahan. What was he doing
anyway? He’d seemed distracted when I’d told him the news, but then
again, he had been taking inventory. I was always out of it when I
did that.

Chapter Thirteen
    Bright and early the next morning,
Mindy and I sat at a table in the local hotel’s

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