The Prophecies (The Sentinel Series Book 2)

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Book: The Prophecies (The Sentinel Series Book 2) by Holly Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Martin
car and drove off down the road.
    ‘Is that Callum?’
    Cain nodded. ‘Twenty three years from now.’
    Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad, Callum looked like he led a good life.
    As Callum drove he leant over to the passenger seat and opened his briefcase, he fiddled round inside and pulled out a CD and pushed it into the stereo. As he played with the buttons, a child suddenly ran out in front of his car. With his eyes on the stereo he didn’t even see her. She hit the bonnet so hard, shattered the windscreen and bounced off onto the road, where she lay still.
    Callum slammed the brakes on but the car was going so fast that it bumped over the girl before it came to a stop. Callum got out the car, and hurried to her side. He felt for a pulse, and gasped, falling to his knees in horror, his face a mask of pain and terror.
    I assumed my face had the same mask of pain as the tears ran down my cheeks. What had I done? Though Callum’s was an accident, it still ended with the same result, someone dying because I had interfered, someone who shouldn’t have died.
    I let my head fall into my hands.
    ‘That little girl was destined to be prime minister one day, she was going to be a great leader. The man who becomes prime minister instead of her raises so many taxes that the country goes into a deep recession. Many people are made unemployed and the suicide rate escalates higher than the country has ever seen it before.’
    ‘Stop, please stop,’ I whispered, tears streaming down my face.
    Cain looked at me kindly, his face softening. ‘We’re going to try to rectify it, both of these cases and any other damage that you have caused. We have already tasked Guardians with stopping this.’
    ‘I just couldn’t stand by and let them die,’ I said, quietly.
    ‘I know Eve, trust me I know. Years ago I tried to do the same thing, but that’s why we don’t interfere. There are only nine of us and a hundred and seven people dying every minute, we can’t be everywhere at once, so we have to choose who we save. Do we save the baby or the grandma…?’
    ‘The baby, the grandma has already had a long life, the baby is at the start of his.’
    ‘Ok, do we save the baby or the mother of three children, do we save the doctor or the teacher, the policeman or the fireman, the English man or the French man, the American soldier or the Iraqi soldier, an Australian or a Korean, do we save a girl of nine or a boy of twelve. Who are we to choose who lives or dies, and how do we know that stepping in like you did doesn’t have the same effect. We could be killing the person who cures cancer or saving the next Hitler.’
    ‘Thanks,’ I muttered, bitterly, wiping the tears from my eyes.
    ‘Eve, I’m not saying that everyone you have saved goes on to kill people, in fact one of the girls you saved ends up raising millions of pounds for charities in Africa.’
    I sniffed. That was something at least.
    ‘You will make the greatest difference to this little world, more so than anyone else ever has or ever will. You will save billions and billions of lives, you will save women, children, babies who won’t even have been born then, animals, homes, towns, cities, and countries. You are the single most important person in this world now, don’t underestimate that.’
    I looked away from him sadly. I knew he was right. I was playing God deciding who lived or died. Before my world changed to encompass my destiny I was always reading in the paper how the world was vastly over populated. People dying was the natural order of things, it was the world’s way of keeping the population down.
    But could I really stand by and watch people die even if it was their time?
    ‘Saving the world is what you were born to do, not saving a few hundred people.’
    ‘I don’t even know how the world ends, how I can prepare for it. You have so much faith in me and I’m not even sure you’ve got the right person.’
    ‘No one knows how the end will come,

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