The Prophecies (The Sentinel Series Book 2)

Free The Prophecies (The Sentinel Series Book 2) by Holly Martin

Book: The Prophecies (The Sentinel Series Book 2) by Holly Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Martin
Putarian and try to kill me. My dreams when I wasn’t here were always horrible, so my wariness was understandable.
    But as I stared at him I realised I did know him. I’d seen him once before, but I couldn’t remember when. He had longish blond hair, golden eyes and a scar down his left cheek.
    ‘I’m Cain by the way,’ he said, smiling warmly as he shook my wary hand. ‘We…sort of met the night of the coach crash.’
    It suddenly came back to me with glaring clarity, how I’d been lying there panicking about why the Guardians had saved me and Cain had appeared and forced me into unconsciousness.
    ‘Yeah sorry about that, it seemed the right thing to do at the time, especially as we were trying to maintain the secret.’
    ‘You can read minds?’
    ‘You’re one of the Oraculum.’
    He nodded. But none of this was real.
    ‘Are you a manifestation of my subconscious or something?’
    He laughed. ‘If you like, if it will help, but actually no, I have the ability to enter someone’s dreams. We’ll meet properly soon, and it won’t be under the best circumstances. You should know that I’m loyal to you, so are Nereus and Helez. I wanted to introduce myself now, I want to help.’
    Ok, I was dreaming. Someone entering my dream wasn’t as weird as some other dreams I’d had, and at least he wasn’t trying to kill me.
    ‘Alright, I’m buying. You want to help me?’
    He grinned. ‘Are you always this suspicious?’
    ‘There are a lot of people who want me dead, so lately yes I am.’
    ‘I wanted to explain about the plane crash and why you can’t interfere like you did. That’s not your place, it’s not what you were created for. So you can forget the idea of wearing red pants over your tights and flying around the world to save everyone.’
    ‘I… can’t fly.’
    ‘Yes you can, we both know you can, you just don’t know how yet. But regardless of that, you’re not superwoman, you can’t save everyone. There are approximately one hundred and seven people who die every minute, you must realise that you can’t save them all, that you can’t make a difference?’
    I looked out to sea, at the waves lapping on the shore. ‘Saving one life or a few hundred out of the billions in the world may not seem like making a difference, but I have made a difference to those I saved, and their families.’
    Cain shook his head, grimly. ‘Let’s look at Steve, at the difference you made there.’
    I bit my lip nervously. I didn’t like where this was leading.
    Cain pointed to the sky, and like a film projected onto the clouds I could suddenly see a man walking down a dark alley.
    ‘That’s Steve, the man sitting in 37C. This is two weeks from now.’
    I watched Steve as he walked and as he suddenly ran to catch up with another man. Steve grabbed him and threw him against a wall, thrusting a knife against his throat.
    ‘Give me your wallet?’ Steve said, gruffly.
    The man struggled against him, and Steve fought back. Then somehow, maybe accidentally, maybe purposefully, the man suddenly slumped to the floor with a knife wound to the stomach. Steve stood over him aghast, looking at the blood stained knife in his hand. Then he ran, leaving the innocent man to breathe his last, alone in a dark, squalid alley, surrounded by rubbish, filth and his own blood.
    I gasped, tears of pain and guilt flooded my eyes. If I hadn’t saved Steve, it would never happen, that man would still be alive. I had made a difference, I had made it worse by saving someone that never deserved to be saved. I had saved a murderer. I felt sick.
    ‘And Callum, the little boy sitting in 12A, let’s look at his future.’
    I looked at the sky again, with a sense of dread, like watching a car crash unfold and being powerless to do anything about it, being powerless to look away. I knew this was not going to be good.
    I watched a smartly dressed man kiss his wife and children goodbye as he headed out to work. He got in his

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