Givin' Up The Ghost (An Indigo Eady Paranormal Mystery)
smile tugged at my lips at the “ blimey ” word. It
was so foreign and cute coming from him. Focus, Indigo .
    His concern touched me, but I shook my head. “No need. It
will be gone in a few days. I can take care of it.” I had to downplay it if I
didn’t want him to continue thinking that I was hazardous to his health.
    He eyed my pale face disbelievingly, but we continued
walking along the dark street in silence.
    Tension, like a third entity, walked between us.
    “What is it?” I asked. Maybe he already regretted getting
involved with me – I mean the investigation .
    “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean for you to get hurt. We
should probably call this whole thing off. It’s not your problem, after all. I
don’t want anyone getting hurt.”
    “No!” I exclaimed, tugging on his sleeve, forcing him to
stop. “We need...we want to do this, Simon and me.” I began walking and he
followed. I sensed he had questions after that outburst, but I didn’t want to
talk about it right then.
    “How about you,” I said, touching his arm lightly. “Are you
    He laughed flatly. “If you call hearing your dad is a
cheater more than once, then yeah, I’m brilliant.”
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean...”
    “I know. It’s okay,” he interrupted. “I’m learning to grow
thick skin, but I’m not quite there yet. It’s not every day your dad gets
    No, it’s not. The authorities ruled my dad’s death a
suicide, but I knew better. Like Bart, he had been murdered. But I hadn’t told
anyone yet, not even Simon.
    Badger sighed. “Sorry, I’m just tired. It’s been hard with
my dad gone, trying to help mum with the kids, running the pub and-” He looked
at me apologetically. “Listen to me, rambling on.”
    “That’s okay. I know it’s hard.”
    “You do know, don’t you? I forget you just lost your dad as
well. I’m sorry for that, if I haven’t told you.”
    “Thanks. And me, too. I’m sorry about your dad.” I wasn’t
ready to speak about my father yet, so a change of subject was in order. “Look
Badger, I know it looks bad, and as far as I’m concerned, Nat goes to the top
of the suspect list. But being an abusive, jealous boyfriend doesn’t make him a
    Badger nodded in reluctant agreement as we headed back
through the park. The steely-gray night filled with mist lifting off the river.
Fog floated thickly in the air. At least the rain had finally taken a break.
Sane people stayed inside in this kind of weather. I never actually claimed to
be sane, only that I wasn’t insane . There’s a difference.
    We walked through the lamp-lit park, along a meandering
pathway. The illuminating yellow glow cast halos on the wet pavement. Halfway
through the park a tingling started on the back of my skull.
    I took a deep breath. “Badger, don’t turn around, but I
think we’re being followed,” I whispered.
    He glanced my way. “How do you know, did you see someone?”
    “Nope.” I shrugged. “Just one of those crazy feelings I
get.” I waited for him to laugh or make fun. He didn’t.
    “Okay.” He linked his arm through mine. “Do you trust me?”
    I surprised myself by nodding.
    “Then follow my lead, okay?”
    He took hold of my good hand and I came to a stop, facing
him under the halo of a lamp. He put his arms around me. “We’re just a pair of
young lovers out for a walk, right?”
    Quick to understand the game plan, I put my hands on his
chest and looked up into his face. “Right. Now what?” I stepped closer and
wrapped my arms around his neck. I was on the verge of hyperventilating.
    “I’m going to kiss you.” Before I could protest, I mean if I wanted to, he leaned in for the kiss, turning me slightly, sweeping his
eyes across the park toward the direction we had come from. His lips were firm,
but soft against mine. He lifted his head and looked down into my face. Did I
mention he was tall?
    “Well?” I whispered, slightly

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