Black Treacle Magazine (Issue 3)
Issue #3
    Copyrights and
Notes” Copyright © 2013 by A.P. Matlock
    “Getting Shot
in the Face Still Stings” Copyright © 2012 by Michelle Ann
    “Waking Up from
the American Dream” Copyright © 2013 by David Annandale
    “ The Autobiography of Jeffrey Kline ”
Copyright © 2013 by Laura-Marie Steele
Treacle Publications

Edition, License Notes
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    ISBN: 9781301477104
    ISSN: 2291-241X
    Black Treacle
269 Charlotte Street
    PO BOX 265
    Sydney, NS B1P
    Black Treacle
Magazine is a free bimonthly Magazine dedicated to original short
fiction in the Horror, Dark Fantasy, and Speculative fiction
Genres. Released on the first or second Tuesday of each month
    Getting Shot in
the Face Still Stings
    Michelle Ann
    Waking up from the
American Dream:
    The Horror Of
Memory in Brad Anderson’s Session
Autobiography of Jeffrey Kline

    What do they
say about best laid plans?
    I wanted Black
Treacle to be a monthly magazine but the submission volume is just
not there yet. I’m a little disappointed, as one of my primary
reasons for starting Black Treacle was to provide a venue for as
many writers as possible. With a monthly, that would be a place for
about 50-60; With Bimonthly, it’s half that number.
    But it can’t
rain all the time.
    One of the
positives of this switch is that we can pay our writers a little
better. I’m hoping the raise in pay-rate may stimulate submissions.
I also have plans to do a little more promotional work than I have
so far. Word-of-mouth is still the best promotion, so tell your
friends about Black Treacle Magazine.
    I’m pretty
excited about this issue, as it has our first piece of non-fiction.
Writers, pay attention. This is the sort of thing I am looking
    * * *
    A.P. Matlock is a Writer and the
Editor of Black Treacle
Shot in the Face Still Stings
    Michelle Ann
    Dom doesn't
lose his temper as easily as his brother, so normally he's the one
who deals with it when shit goes pear-shaped. But shit has been
going pear-shaped a lot lately, and by the time Dom gets to the
warehouse Marc is already in full swing. Literally--he's gone after
poor Jimmy with a nine iron.
    Dom picks his
way across the warehouse floor, cursing under his breath. His shoes
are new, and it's a fuck of a thing to get blood out of tan
    He puts both
hands up, palms out. “Marc. Take it easy.”
    On the floor,
Jimmy groans. He's pulled up into a foetal position so Dom can't
tell the full extent of the damage, but his clothes are soaked in
just about every bodily fluid there is. At first guess, Dom would
say the kid's lost his teeth, his fingernails, his bollocks and at
least a couple of internal organs.
    “Fuck,” he
says and pinches his nostrils shut. The whole place is going to
have to be hosed down. Disinfected.
    Marc grins.
His eyes are bright, glittering in the dim light. He ignores Dom
and addresses Jimmy. “Do you know what the definition of insanity
is, boy? Doing the same thing but expecting it to turn out
different. That was Einstein, said that. Smart man. Not like you,
eh? Because you should know by now what to expect when you fuck up,
shouldn't you? You should know what happens.”
    He swings the
club at Jimmy's knee. It crunches,

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