Dirty Laundry

Free Dirty Laundry by Rhys Ford

Book: Dirty Laundry by Rhys Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhys Ford
something that could help.”
    Terry spat on the grass, aiming away from my feet. “Shit, he doesn’t see anything but himself. He’s an ass. I can’t believe my mom told me to take this job.
    “Hell, I don’t care who knows what I think. There’s a job I might get. Pays more, and I don’t have to deal with his shit every day,” Terry scoffed. “He’s not even gay! You know that? He fakes it because the old ladies like it. He even screws some of them too. Someone who knew him back in Korea told me he said it’s to release their inner beauty. It’s all bullshit. I’m glad my mom sees someone else. I don’t want her around him.”
    “Was Eun Joon one of the women he hit on?”
    Terry’s teeth worried at the tender skin of his lip, and I had my answer.
    I prodded gently. “Did her husband know?”
    “No, I don’t think so. I’m not really sure if they were doing it,” he said, shaking his head. “She didn’t do anything with him last time, but she was pissed off. She ran out of her last appointment. Gyong-Si came out of the back after her. He had a big handprint on his face. I guess she decked him.”
    “Did he try to stop her? Say anything to threaten her?”
    “No, he saw me and stopped.” Terry shrugged. “Gyong-Si told me he saw something disturbing in her future and Eun Joon got upset and ran out. I knew it was bullshit, but I needed the job. He only hired me because people would think he was having sex with me. Like I’d touch that.”
    “How long ago was that? When Eun Joon ran out?”
    He named a date and time that chilled my blood. Eun Joon slapped Gyong-Si across the face and, an hour or so later, died at the hands of an intruder she surprised in her home.
    There were no such things as coincidences. Not really. Someone knew Eun Joon had an appointment with Gyong-Si that day and hadn’t anticipated her walking in the door. Her moment of outrage and fidelity to her husband killed her.
    And I thought my love life was complicated.

Chapter 6

    I STOPPED at one of the twenty-four-hour chigae chains in the area. While their assorted tofu soup came with shrimp eyeballs and legs, their kalbi was incredible. I did a takeout order for two servings and a side of specialty mandu , deep-fried dumplings made with kim chee, pork, and tofu. The motherly woman behind the counter told me to sit down, pouring me a glass of hot green tea to sip on while I waited. A couple of panchan dishes joined my tea, and she urged me to nibble, probably to fatten me up for something nefarious.
    Picking at the braised jalapenos dipped in red chili sauce, I dialed up Bobby.
    “Hey, Princess.” He picked up after a couple of rings, his husky growl hoarse from years of screaming at criminals to stop or he’d shoot. “Whatcha need?”
    “Why do you think I’m calling to ask you for something?” I was, but I didn’t like to be called on it. Not, at least, without first getting a hello out.
    “Because it’s near the end of the day when you should be heading for that pretty Korean piece who for some reason thinks you’re hot enough to fuck. If you’re calling me, then you need something.”
    “Fine, fuck you too,” I muttered. “And yeah, I need you to do something for me.”
    I ran through Gyong-Si and his gay-for-pay fortune-telling business. I got to his exploiting his clients for sex, and Bobby whistled in disgust.
    “Fucker,” he spat. “Tell me you’re asking me to break his legs.”
    “No, sorry,” I replied. “What I’m hoping you can get is some info on the Lees. See if anyone’s been called out to the apartment on a domestic. Everyone says her husband’s a saint, but she was unhappy—about a few things. I’m wondering if he found out about her frequent trips to Gyong-Si and knew about the asshole’s reputation with the ladies—his real reputation.”
    “Maybe the guy on the case is chasing down the same line,” Bobby pointed out.
    “If he is, then great. If not, then I’ll toss it at

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