Saving Brigit

Free Saving Brigit by Francis Drake

Book: Saving Brigit by Francis Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francis Drake
pushed his slacks below his hips and slid the latex on. Only a few times had he ever lain with her or any woman without protection. He hadn’t wanted to spread his seed indiscriminately, though after all these years, he could no longer picture himself with one woman for the rest of his life. He’d begun to despair of finding a time or place where he felt safe and secure enough to fall in love, marry, and begin a family.
    The sense that he would always be alone was yet another reason why fucking Elena suited him. With her present profession, he knew she felt the same, that youthful dreams of sharing a life with someone special ceased to exist.
    With those thoughts nagging at him, he thrust hard, letting the moisture from her orgasm ease his invasion.
    “Yes, like that. Hard…harder.”
    He stooped to wrap his arm under her knees and then spread them so that her legs extended out from her hips. The heat from the engine warmed his hands. The tiny vibrations from the running engine traveled up his arm and through his body.
    Nothing impeded his assault now. He pulled out and drove in. Heavy-lidded, he watched his veined sex disappear inside her, her pussy lips conforming around him until it looked as though they joined at the groin. He fought the building tension, wanting her to come again, needing to feel her convulse around him. He withdrew, seeing his shaft emerge, wet and glistening.
    He plunged into her again, bending to take her tit into his mouth. He bit down on her nipple hard enough to make her gasp, then soothed it with his tongue and bit again. His butt flexed and strained. His hips surged forward. His balls slapped her ass.
    “Make me feel, Rashid. Make me feel again how it was.”
    He hammered her into the vehicle. Perspiration shone on her body. Beneath his shirt, sweat trickled down his chest. He smelled her woman-scent. Breathing deeply, he took that part of her into his lungs. His cock glided in and out. He gritted his teeth in an effort not to come before she did, but he didn’t know how much longer he could hold back. She felt so damn good.
    The musky scent of sex competed with motor oil and gasoline in the closed garage. Elena scraped the hood with each of his thrusts, her eyes closed, her mouth parted slightly. Her tits bounced with his pounding.
    He sank into her and held fast, lost in the sensation of her body pulling at his, as though nature made woman to suck the essence from man. It was the way of life. It was the way of a man and woman. Rashid let himself go.
    * * * *
    “Do you know why it’s better with you than with others?” she asked later. They’d secured the car and retired to her bedroom where they’d satisfied each other again.
    “Dare I say my extraordinary sexual skills?”
    She chuckled. “Besides that. It is because you know me. With you there’s no pretending. I can be myself.”
    “Hmmm.” Absently, he caressed her breast. “I understand that. I was thinking about us earlier, about our history and how much has changed. Yet, here we are.”
    Sighing, she arched into his hand. “Did you ever think we’d marry?”
    “Each other? Early on I thought we might. Of course, it’s better we didn’t. We have so little in common, and we don’t love each other.”
    Perhaps he imagined the slight stiffness in her. When he thought to ask about it, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. “I cannot let you stay the night, Rashid. I leave tomorrow morning and must be at the airport by eight.”
    Her abruptness surprised him, but he recovered quickly. “I’ll call a cab,” he said, sitting up himself. He looked over his shoulder at her back as she slipped into a robe. “Are you all right? I hope I didn’t upset you.”
    “Why should the truth upset me? It has simply been a difficult few weeks.” She entered the adjoining bathroom.
    “Of course,” Rashid said to the closed door.
    Shrugging at the unpredictable nature of women, he

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