Sin (The Waite Family)

Free Sin (The Waite Family) by Kathi S. Barton

Book: Sin (The Waite Family) by Kathi S. Barton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi S. Barton
but went back for another quick nip and was happy when she tightened her fingers in his hair once more before she let him go.
    She stood there breathing hard as she pushed at his chest. He stepped back again , but didn’t let her go. He couldn’t. Not yet at any rate. He was afraid if he did, he’d fall on his face. While he watched she adjusted her bra back up and pulled her shirt down.
    “We can’t do this. Never. Do you understand me? I’m going to marry Richard because he won’t…you want too much. More than I can give you.”
    “How do you know what I want from you is more than you’re willing to give me? How do you know what I can give you is n’t just what you want?” He pulled her in for another kiss. She responded as she had before. “You want me as much as I want you, Sydney . Are you willing to settle for Richard because he’s safe?”
    “Yes. ” She stepped to the side and out of his arms. “Yes , I am. I have to go.” She was out the door before he could stop her.
    Coop sat in the chair and looked around the kitchen. What the hell had just happened? Every time he thought he understood her or had a handle on her, she would bring something else out on the table. He was going nuts , that was it . Nutty as a fruitcake. He needed to burn off some of this energy. Going to the basement door he decided to take her up on her offer to use the equipment.
    The equipment was state of the art. There was everything anyone could ever hope to find in an expensive gym. There was a weight bench and a NordicTrack , an elliptical and a rower. In the corner there were weight, squat , and step machines. He opened the other door , looked in , and had to lean against the wall for support.
    Sydney had made the smallish room into her bedroom. There was an army cot along with a sleeping bag on it. She had a pillow and a table that he’d seen the match for in the living room. On it was a lamp, book , and a canteen. In the corner was a dorm - sized refrigerator and a hotplate on top of it. The only window had been blacked out with a heavy , woolen - looking blanket. Her clothes were folded neatly and lying on a duffel bag , and her shoes, both civilian and service , were polished and set near the bag. With all the bedrooms in this house she felt the most comfortable in her own version of army life. Coop went out to the equipment and started to work out. He tried not to think of the woman who lived here with him.
    “I don’t care what you have to do to find him, I want that fucker found. He is fucking with my livel i hood and I want him dead.” Carl began pacing the floor. “He’s been gone now almost two months and not a word from anyone.”
    “It’s only been about seven weeks, sir, not two months.” The man speaking had no idea when to shut up , apparently. “I think he was picked up by his— ”
    Carl shot him in the head. There was going to be a mess, but he was too far gone right now to give a good flying fuck about that. That’s what cleaning services were for. He put his gun away and turned to the other two men standing there.
    “Either one of you want to correct me on how long that cock sucker ha s been gone.” They both shook their heads no. “Good. Moving on. He did have a point. Did his mother stash him somewhere and he’s out there just waiting or did he die and no one has informed me yet?”
    One of the two idiots cleared his throat before speaking. “I don’t believe he’s dead , sir. If he is, his family sure isn’t taking it all that hard. Unless they hated him as much as you do. Could be that.”
    “No, he was a momma’s boy , pure and simple. If he were dead I’m sure she’d have some fucking black arm band on every cop in the city by now. I need to move and I can’t move until this trial is over. And it won’t be over to my satisfaction until Cooperider is dead.”
    He sat down at the desk. There were all sorts of photos spread everywhere on it and nothing of value. He’d had

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