WLUV Box Set: Ignited, Consumed, Burned

Free WLUV Box Set: Ignited, Consumed, Burned by Jayne Blue

Book: WLUV Box Set: Ignited, Consumed, Burned by Jayne Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Blue
Macy held on and tried not to finish too soon, but it was futile.
    “I can’t hold on.” She managed to eke the words out, unsure
if he had any sense left to hear her.
    “I’m right here with you…Come for me again, Gorgeous.”
    That was all she needed.
    Macy’s second orgasm of the night was even more intense; it
came from her center and moved outwards. Her entire body grasped and released
against Wes, the heat of him. She used all her strength to match his power but
in the end she could only hold on with her legs and arms as overcame her. The
spots behind her eyes were now a kaleidoscope of color and motion.
    “That’s it, baby, that’s it.” Wes came at the same time she
exploded. They both collapsed, and slowly stroked each other as they worked to
catch their breath.
     Macy wasn’t exactly a wild woman. Until this moment, she’d
had a total of six lovers. Six. None of them had done what Wes did to her. She
was thrilled and scared by how it all felt. Where had this been all her life?
    The three martinis and a fantastic fucking was enough to
render her nearly unconscious, and Macy started to drift off, her legs open,
with Wes still inside of her. She was trapped under his weight. He burrowed his
face into her neck and shoulder and she heard him mutter, “Gorgeous, my oh my …
Gorgeous.” She gave in again, this time, to sleep.
    At about five a.m., she came to her senses.
    Macy woke up to find Wes was sleeping deeply. They had
flipped at some point in the night and he was on his back, his chest a
magnificent sight. Macy had nuzzled into the crook of his arm.
    She looked at Wes’s sleeping face. It was beautiful. Awake,
he was handsome, dangerous, and challenging. Asleep, he was touchable,
vulnerable…and completely at her mercy. In that moment, she envisioned climbing
on top of him and controlling everything.
    She stopped her train of thought. This train would derail
her. This, whatever it was, was good for him, but not for her. Sure it was
spectacular, but it was just sex. Okay, it was mind-blowing sex. Ultimately, it
was something that would make him lose respect for her at work. This was a
bullet train heading straight into the side of a wall.
    Macy blushed as the previous night played out in her memory.
    Apparently, her new limit was going to have to be one
martini and zero Wes. Oh, my.
    Lying there in the predawn hours, she considered playing
drunk, rolling on top of him, softly kissing his lips.
    But Macy wasn’t drunk, and she wasn’t stupid. She was
embarrassed that she'd lost control, that she'd let this man turn her head, and
do things to her. She couldn’t face him after all the wanting she’d displayed
last night.
    So she snuck out. Out of bed, into the shower, and out of
the room; she’d never been so quiet in her life. She finished getting ready in
the front seat of her car, using the car heater vents to dry her hair before she
piled it on top of her head in a messy ponytail, then she put on her glasses.
She definitely wore pants that day—she was done with stockings for this
assignment. Though the futility of it all was not lost on her, she was
attempting to put the toothpaste back in the tube.
    She’d have to see Wes at WLUV, but at least there she had a
chance to be cold and distant. She needed to be cold and distant or she’d be
melted syrup in his hands. She enjoyed what he did to her too much not to get
wrecked by it in the end.
    On the dark drive into work she played out the speech she
would give. Too tipsy, a little reckless; it was fun, but that’s it.
    But part of her hoped that Wes wouldn’t buy one bit of it.
She wanted him to kiss her brainless again. She planned to surround herself
with news people all day so as not to be in the position to give in.
    “I’m so screwed.” Macy said under her breath as she used her
brand new gate card to park in the secure lot. All she could think about was
Wes, and his hands, and his mouth and his….
    “So screwed,” she

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