Care Factor Zero

Free Care Factor Zero by Margaret Clark

Book: Care Factor Zero by Margaret Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Clark
narrowed with a native cunning. ‘Why do you want to know?’
    ‘ Just tell me !’ hissed Larceny, her anger beginning to grow. Why did Comma have to be so thick, stupid and stubborn? Why couldn’t she just have a normal conversation without all the crap?
    ‘Okay. Okay. If it’s that important I’ll tell you,’ said Comma, pausing to reach back in the bag for her cigarettes. She took her time lighting up. Larceny drummed her fingers impatiently on the table. Getting information about Comma’s sex life was hard work.
    ‘My first time — I was twelve, and this guy talked me into it, you know. He was fifteen. He kissed me and he tasted of garlic. Yuck. Then we had sex. We did it in a concrete pipe in the playground at the Seventh Day Adventist school one Saturday afternoon. All this gravel was sticking into my bum, and it hurt.’
    ‘You mean the gravel, or —?’
    ‘Both. I hated it. I wouldn’t do it with him again. Nor anybody else, for ages. Then the next time I had sex I was fifteen.’
    ‘How old was the guy?’
    ‘I dunno. Sixteen, seventeen. Why do you want to know?’
    ‘Just curious.’
    ‘I was on the run, staying on this farm in a hay shed. This guy Dean lived on the neighbouring farm. Anyway he found me there and I was scared he was gunna dob. But he brought me food and a blanket, so I did it with him.’
    ‘Go on. What was it like?’
    ‘I dunno. Just — this guy sweatin’ all over me and rammin’ into me. That hay, though, it was friggin’ prickly.’
    Comma looked thoughtfully into her coffee cup.
    ‘Go on.’
    ‘Then when I was sixteen I tried it with a few guys in the back of cars and stuff, but —’ she shrugged.
    ‘The earth didn’t move for you,’ said Larceny drily.
    ‘Never mind. So Bex is the first partner you’ve liked having sex with?’
    ‘I guess so. Last year I met this girl at a party and we both got drunk. We slept together on the floor. She wanted to kiss me but I just rolled over on my side and pretended I was asleep when she tried to feel me up. I didn’t really fancy her. But I like Bex.’
    ‘But do you like sex with Bex?’ said Larceny, her patience beginning to fray at the edges.
    ‘But how do you know if you’re really gay if you haven’t had real good sex with a guy?’
    ‘I know I’m gay. I’d rather be with Bex than any guy.’
    ‘What about me? Could you fancy me ?’
    Comma looked puzzled. ‘You want to do it with me?’
    ‘No,’ said Larceny, exasperated, ‘I’m just asking ifyou could fancy me. I’m trying to find out if you’re gay, bi, or confused.’
    Bex burst into the room. ‘I heard that,’ she snarled. ‘I knew it was a big mistake to leave Comma with you. You’re trouble.’ She yanked Larceny’s hair almost off her head. ‘Bitch! Leave her alone.’
    Larceny drew back her feet and kicked out, hard. She caught Bex in the chest just as Lynx and Frantik came through the door.
    ‘That’s enough!’ roared Lynx, pulling Bex off Larceny as she was about to scratch out her eyes. ‘What’s up with you two?’
    ‘She’s tryin’ to spade Comma!’
    ‘Reality check,’ sneered Larceny. ‘I wouldn’t touch Comma with a ten metre pole. No offence meant, Comma.’
    Comma just gaped stupidly from one girl to the other.
    ‘Come on, Comma, get on some gear. We’re goin’ out,’ snapped Bex.
    ‘But —’
    ‘ Do it !’
    Comma went over to the bed, searched among the untidy heap of bedclothes till she found her jeans and top. She dragged her top over her head and pulled on her jeans. Then she turned to face Bex.
    ‘Where’re we goin’, Bex?’
    ‘OUT! Get something on your feet, will ya, and hurry up!’
    Comma rummaged under the bed and found her boots. She shoved her feet into them without bothering about socks.
    ‘Why are we —’
    ‘Move it!’
    Bex flounced to the door and wrenched it open. Comma followed slowly. Bex grabbed her arm, yanked her through the door and slammed it shut,

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