Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete

Free Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star

Book: Shared By The Alpha Bears - Complete by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
to depend on you guys to care for me.”
    “You don’t have to. You can do freelance work online, like Jake and I do. How do you think we make money? We only look like backwoods hicks, Billie; it may surprise you, but we actually do have Wi-Fi receivers out there.”
    “Really. We’re bears for the modern world, never doubt that.”
    I giggled a little. “Are you gonna have an answer for everything?”
    “Do you need one?”
    “I guess that’s a yes.” I thought for a second, and added, “And a pretty good one, too.”
    “Come on,” he said, “quit dancing around the topic. What do you say?”
    I was silent for a little longer than I probably needed to be. But then I looked up him and said, “You already know what my answer is, don’t you?”
    “Oh yeah, baby,” he grinned.
    I sat up and twisted around, pulling his face to me to kiss him. And right when we were in the middle of making out, I heard a knock at my door. I released Max’s lips from mine to groan. “How many times in a day does he need to harp on me about my rent?”
    “You think if you answered the door looking like that he’d have a heart attack?” he asked, alluding to my current nudity.
    “That would require him to have a heart in the first place,” I joked. A mischievous grin crept into my face, and I added, “I think it would be worth it to find out, though.”
    And without bothering to go find some clothes, I got up and walked to the door.
    Before opening it, however, some unsolicited spark of good sense made me stop and look through the peephole.
    And my mouth fell open.
    “Oh my god,” I laughed.
    “What is it?” Max asked.
    I turned a big grin to him. “It’s Jake!”
    I eased the door open, giving him my best Playboy lean against the doorway. “What took you so long, stud?” I husked.
    “Uh…” he stammered, clearly not expecting this.
    I laughed, and grabbed and pulled him by the wrist. “Get in here, you doof!”
    He staggered inside as I shut the door behind him, coming to a sudden stop and seeing Max on my couch. “Hey, Jake,” Max said, casually throwing a hand up.
    Jake looked back and forth between us several times. “How long has he been here?” he finally asked me.
    I shrugged. “Fifteen, twenty minutes maybe?”
    “Glad to see you stand by your convictions, man,” Max quipped.
    Jake grimaced, and said, “Fine, you got me. I missed her, too.”
    I stepped up to Jake and put my arms around my neck. “I’m so glad I’m not the only one who’s been a complete wreck since I came home. …Wow, that sounds so nasty when I say it out loud.”
    “It’s appreciated anyway,” Jake said, and bent to kiss me.
    “Thank you,” I smiled. “Now would you hurry up and get naked already? I haven’t been properly fucked by a big strong bear in almost five whole minutes!”
    Jake gaped at Max in both amusement and disbelief. “Max, man, what have we created?”
    I didn’t know the answer to his question, but whatever they’d created was, it drained his balls dry in under twenty minutes. After the treatment they both had given me over my little vacation, just one day without it had made me positively ravenous.
    I started by dropping to my knees and extracting his cock while he was still busy staring at Max, wondering what to do with me, so I kind of took him by surprise. But once he got into it, clothes started raining down around me. When I finally looked up at him again with his big bear cock still in my mouth, I was greeted with the sight of huge pectorals looming over me, paving the path up to his face.
    He soon showed me how much he’d missed me by throwing me into a chair and diving face-first between my legs. I gasped and threw my head back, scrabbling at his head and kicking my legs about as he showered affection on my nether regions. I opened my eyes to

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