Forever Our Ever

Free Forever Our Ever by Kat Barrett

Book: Forever Our Ever by Kat Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Barrett
Tags: Romance
before he had decided on a career as a homeopath. It was simply that many surgeries were performed unnecessarily, and he had found it more logical to address problems without putting his patients through such extensive, life-altering procedures. It didn’t mean that he was squeamish or incapable of handling a scalpel. It just wasn’t what he wanted to do with his life.
    Of course, cutting her open on a wooden platform in the middle of the forest would be considered insanity. It probably would be, for a normal woman. Ever was not normal. She was part were, and it gave her the ability to heal more quickly and completely. He had never heard of a case of MRSA in the were community and didn’t think they were prone to the life-threatening infection. Unfortunately for her, if she did get one, it would kill her. Weres couldn’t take antibiotics and it was part of the reason they stayed away from meat that wasn’t raised organically and didn’t specifically state “antibiotic-free.”
    There were many nuances to being a were, even if they looked human most of the time. The longer he was out in the world, the more he had discovered. His differences had not gone unnoticed while he was in school. It had been a difficult time in his life. He had been unable to change at will and had often eaten alone in his room. There was no need for his fellow students to know that his diet consisted mainly of meat. It was easier to purchase it and cook it in his room, which was against the rules, but he did it anyway. He hadn’t actually remained on campus long, preferring instead to get his own utility apartment and commute. He had worked hard to keep his grades far above the average. He had also taken a job to support himself, which had made things even harder.
    Kris had taken the easy way out with his hiking tour business. He was no longer an active guide, and now that he had taken up the position as alpha, his business had been sold to his two partners. If what he said was true, he had given up everything for Ever. Mick was now expected to give up everything also. Kris had asked him to sell his spa and live full time in the wilds. It would be a noble position to be taking care of the clan, but he wasn’t sure if it was what he wanted.
    The few days that Ever had been gone were miserable. Maybe he loved her more than he wanted to admit. She had become everything for him and his brothers. She was the center of their universe and the sun that they seemed to revolve around. It might destroy their family if she now died. Mick just wished that he had a better idea of how to keep her alive.
    A blood transfusion would be the logical answer, but it would surely kill her.
    Mick took her pulse again. He feared that Liam and Kris were going to react far more dramatically to her death, but hopefully he would never have to find out.

Chapter 8
    Carmen stalked up her body, reminding her of a large, dangerous komodo dragon. His elbows were turned out to the sides, his tongue flicking in and out in a completely enthralling manner. She giggled and he shook his head viciously and hissed at her. “You find me amusing?”
    “A little.”
    His entire façade wilted, his bottom lip hanging before he began to pout. “Only a little. I was trying for a lot.”
    Sitting up, she shoved him back so he was kneeling on her calves. Her hands went to his face, stroking the skin and making note that he had recently shaved. Carmen was a hairy beast when he didn’t take the time to clean his cheeks. His chest was heavily haired also, but it was soft and slightly curled in a very nice way. “I find you very dangerous and very amusing. I love you, and everything you do is perfect.”
    How she loved his smile and the challenging look in his beautiful eyes. “Of course. You can do no wrong in my eyes. Well…you can, but you give me no reason to suspect that you do.”
    “What could I do that would be wrong?”
    “Cheat on

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