Forever Our Ever

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Book: Forever Our Ever by Kat Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kat Barrett
Tags: Romance
    “Hit me.”
    He wilted again, his shoulders visibly sagging. “Why would you even think of that? I would never ever hit you.”
    “You asked what you could do and I’m telling you.”
    “Okay. Anything else?”
    “Not that I can think of at the moment. How about not make love to me?”
    Putting his palm to the center of her chest, he pushed her flat to the mattress. “I’m getting to that. Are you in a hurry?”
    “Kind of. I have to go home tonight.”
    “No, you don’t. You need to stay with me. I’m tired of sleeping alone. Move in with me, Ever. I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms. I want us to stay together for always.”
    “Are you asking me to marry you?” she asked in a teasing tone.
    “What I’m talking about is a more permanent option.”
    What could be more permanent than marriage? “I’m not sure what you mean.”
    “I’m not sure it’s something that I want to explain more completely right now. Give us a little time. I want to make sure.”
    Ever had no idea what he was talking about. Carmen was occasionally reclusive and secretive and this was one of those times. He claimed that he loved her, but he was keeping secrets from her and it bothered her. “Just to let you know, if you want a more permanent relationship, then you need to tell me the truth of things.”
    “I know. I will in time. Right now, I want to make love to you for the rest of the night. You are not going home. Period.”
    This was another look that she had come to know well over the last three months. It was Carmen’s end-of-subject look. She could debate him until the end of time and he would not let her go home. She supposed that it really wasn’t all that important. She just needed to call her mother and let her know. They had met Carmen and really liked him. That was a serious plus in her book. She valued her parents’ opinions on things. They were usually very good judges of character.
    Carmen dropped dramatically over her, landing on his hands as he flipped his feet to the back. He was a spectacularly dramatic man with a flair for excitement. Taking his sweet time, he slowly bent his arms, lowering himself to her lips. His tongue flicked like the lizard again, tapping her lips repeatedly without ever connecting his mouth to hers. It was an odd feeling that sent strands of sensation into her mouth each time he touched her.
    Ever grabbed his long hair, pulling him down to her face to kiss him. She nibbled on his bottom lip, holding it between her teeth for a moment before releasing it softly. She wanted to bite him everywhere, his lips, his ears, his tiny pink nipples. Carmen tasted so good.
    Leaning back on his elbows, he gazed into her eyes. “I love you so much. I want you with me always.”
    “I want to be with you always.”
    It was a strange question in the tone that he asked it, and somehow it seemed wrong. Ever couldn’t quite shake the feeling that she had been here before. She had been with Carmen at the very moment of this…what was it? Was this a memory or a dream, or both? Was she sleeping or awake? Ever wasn’t sure. Yet, there was something suddenly wrong about this, but she wasn’t quite sure why.
    His hands went to her cheeks, caressing her skin as if he feared that he would never feel it again. “Would you marry me if I asked?”
    “Yes. I would love to. Ask me.”
    “I already told you that I have something more permanent in mind.”
    His lips touched hers, hot and wet, his tongue capturing her own, encircling it in the most wonderful way. Her body began to heat with glorious sensations, her mind drifting in the feel of his muscular chest against his own. She trailed her fingers up his arms, the light hair snagging slightly on her nails. His biceps were like iron and he flexed them for her enjoyment. Ever grabbed the flesh, caressing it with her palms, and then moving up into his beautiful hair. She adored the feel of his hard body, the

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