Summer's Alpha
want it for Kelly. 
I’m sorry if I disobeyed daddy but I felt that it was necessary to my safety
and my survival.”  I swallowed and paused.  He said nothing.  That was a power
play; he was trying to make me nervous.  I wasn’t falling for that one.  I took
a deep cleansing breath and let it out.  I put all business in my non-emotional
voice.  “I wanted to speak to you anyway daddy about an alliance with the East
View pack.  Would it interest you?”
    “Of course, you
know I am always interested in an alliance.”  He was back to the pack leader
part of his personality.  There was no emotion and all alpha in his voice.
    “Well, I’m
offering you one.  My pack needs fresh new blood.  This pack has many older
members and we are interested in rebuilding our ranks with younger members that
will be raising pups.  I would like Autumn and Tim to come here with your
blessing if they want as a gesture of your good faith.”
    “Fine and as a
gesture of yours, I want you to send Kelly home.”  That was the voice he used
when dealing with sales representatives.
    “No.  Kelly
stays.  There is a very strong and responsible wolf here already courting her. 
His name is Earl.  He is completely smitten with Kelly and Kelly with him.”
    “Summer, he will
kill the pup, it belongs to an alpha.  I want her here where she will be taken
care of.”
    “She will be taken
care of dad.  Jackson and I will make sure of it.  We will do a better job than
you did.  Keep in mind that her alpha mate killed his own pups.  You sent her
with him for an alliance dad.  You are just as responsible for their deaths as
Frank.”  I shouldn’t have said that.  He will hold it against me.
    “This is
non-negotiable Summer.”  He snarled.
    “You’re absolutely
right dad it is.  Kelly goes where she wants.  If she wants to stay, she has
the full support of this pack.  If she wants to live with you then we will
support that too but Dad, it’s her decision.  We have already made her a member. 
If you are going to try to bully us through your promise of alliance, there will
be no alliance.”
    “Let me talk to
your alpha.”  His voice was dead calm.  He was going to try to bully Jackson
now.  Wait, he just insulted the female alpha of the East View pack.  I’m not
sure I like that.  He is my dad though.  If I were anyone else, he would treat
me as an equal.
    “Please hold.”  I
say professionally.  I pushed the hold button and set the phone down.  My hands
shook.  “Jackson?”  He looked up from the couch, his eyes alight.  “Dad wants
to talk to you.  He wants Kelly to come home.”
    “What did you tell
him?”  Jackson was coming toward me, jeez could he be any sexier.  Total
predator.  I repeated the conversation word for word and he picked up the
    “Brant, it is
Jackson Reynolds, current alpha of the East View Pack.  Summer, the female
alpha, has offered you an alliance.  Take it or don’t.  If Tim and Autumn want
to come, they are welcome.  If Kelly wants to go home to you, she’s more than
welcome but if not, she will stay here.  Under no circumstances will she return
to Frank’s pack because they are not going to get the opportunity to take her
pup away from her.  She’s given enough.  Now understand this Brant, a beta is
courting her and he is the sheriff here.  He is strong, able and he will treat
her very well.  I have it on good advice that he is a great wolf.  I don’t
think that she will want to leave and I will not make her.  That’s our offer
Brandt, take it, or leave it.”  Jackson hung up the phone gently and my eyes
nearly leapt out of my head.  He shrugged and went back to Larry.  The phone
rang and Shirley answered it. 
    “East View Book
Nook, can I help you?”  She sipped her tea.  “Yes sir, on Third Street and
Elm.”  Shirley sipped again.  ‘You’re very welcome sir.”  She hung up the
phone.  “You father is on his way.”  She

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