Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles

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Book: Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
heeled black pumps. She reached for a matching jacket, hesitated, and then left it on the hanger. It was warm out, and she had to admit, the dress looked fantastic on her.
    She was scheduled to tour the pack lands today, after breakfast. 
    To leave their suite, she had to go through Kristofer’s room. He favored her with a huge smile when she walked in.
                  “You look beautiful.  Everything okay?” he asked. “I heard you mention your mother.”
                  “Everything’s fine. Who’s that?” she said, realizing that someone had joined them.
                  Kristofer introduced her to Frank, a beefy slab of a man with a military looking buzz cut. He would be her bodyguard until the wedding. Then he leaned in for a kiss, but Caitlin stepped back, holding her hands up.
                  “The pheromone high has worn off,” she said loftily. “And you’re still the enemy.”
                  He winked at her. “Good. We Verholds love a challenge. And we always win. I’m going to eat breakfast on the run, but I’ll see you at lunch.”
                  Nothing rattled him, she thought with a scowl.  She tried to make conversation with Frank as he led her down to the dining room, but he wasn’t the chatty type.
                  Elzbetka was already waiting for her. She picked at her food and then tapped her fingers on the table as Caitlin finished her meal.
                  Twyla came in, with a broom and dustpan, as Caitlin pushed her plate away.
                  “Hey, Twyla. Join us?” she asked.
                  Twyla let out a giggle. “Me, eat with the Alpha Queen? My goodness. I already ate at my house, milady.”
                  “Tomorrow, then,” Caitlin said, and Twyla nodded and began sweeping the floor. 
                  “We’ll run through your schedule for the day,” Elzbetka said. As she pulled a blue leather bound scheduling book out of her purse, she accidentally knocked a napkin on to the floor.
                  “Get that,” she said curtly to Twyla, who stopped sweeping and hurried over.
                  “Excuse you?” Caitlin said with astonishment.  “Twyla, don’t worry about the napkin.” Twyla paused where she stood.
                  “Have you ever heard of the word ‘please’?” Caitlin asked Elzbetka.  “For that matter, you seem like a strong, capable woman. I bet you could pick up that napkin all by yourself and not interrupt people who are working.”
                  Caitlin had been the victim of bullying long enough that she couldn’t stand to sit by and watch it happen to others.
                  There was a brief pause, and Caitlin saw pure hatred and fury flash in Elzbetka’s eyes. She took a deep breath, and appeared to be struggling to compose herself. Then she pasted her smile back on.             
    “Of course,” she said, nodding politely. “Where are my manners. Twyla, I’ll get it.” She bent down, picked up the napkin between two fingers, and dropped it on the table. Twyla went back and resumed her sweeping.
    Caitlin knew that things worked differently in werewolf culture.  There was an Alpha wolf at the top of the food chain. There was a Beta directly beneath him. Wolves naturally had a social order, like chickens had a pecking order.  Some wolves were more naturally dominant, and apparently, those wolves had more prestige and power than the less dominant.
    That didn’t mean the more powerful ones should treat the less powerful like crap, however, and Caitlin wasn’t going to let it happen on her watch.
    “Now, are you ready to begin?” Elzbetka asked.
                  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Caitlin leaned back in her chair and sighed.
                  “The Alpha Queen oversees

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