Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles

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Book: Bridenapped: The Alpha Chronicles by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
all social functions throughout the village and the pack lands, and there are many. You don’t start those duties until after the wedding.  In many instances you just give your official approval, but for important events, you sit on the planning committee and help select decorations, theme, food and drink, that sort of thing.  For the next few weeks, you will be meeting with a special planning committee to work out all the details of the wedding.”
                  “Uh, yeah,” Caitlin said wearily. “I’ll probably leave the planning details to your committee. Do whatever works for you guys.”
    There was no point in telling Elzbetka that she wasn’t going to be the Alpha Queen, so she let her drone on.
                  The Alpha Queen must never embarrass the Alpha or challenge him in public, her behavior must be above reproach at all times, and she must uphold the sacred traditions of the pack.  They would travel to visit other packs throughout the year, and also visit the Alpha Congress once a year.   Every pack had its own traditions and laws, and before she visited a new pack, she would be briefed on their traditions and etiquette.
                  “And in case you need to refresh your memory on any of these points, I have printed up the Alpha Queen code of conduct for you.”
                  Elzbetka handed her a bound booklet, and it was all Caitlin could do not to roll her eyes. “I’ll keep all of that in mind,” she said coolly.
                  Elzbetka raised an eyebrow, looked as if she wanted to say something, and stopped herself.
                  “Well, time for the tour,” she said briskly. “Milady.” There wasn’t a lot of warmth and enthusiasm in the way she said the word.
                  “I’d like to start with the kitchen,” Caitlin said. “Since I’ll be doing some cooking while I’m here.”
                  “Oh, no, the chef does that. It’s tradition .” Elzbetka said those words primly, as if Caitlin had said she was going to go streaking on the front lawn.
                  “I love to cook, and I plan to do some cooking while I’m here,” Caitlin repeated firmly. “I’m sure there’s plenty of room in the kitchen for me. I won’t get in the way.”
                  Color flooded Elzbetka’ face. “I’ll have to get approval first.”
                  “I thought that, theoretically, this was my house. So you’re saying that I am not allowed to go where I want in my own house?”
                  “That is not what I said.  It’s just that it’s never been done before. Taddeus is the one we consult on matters of pack tradition. So I will need to speak to Taddeus to ascertain whether he believes that it is appropriate to allow -”
                  Caitlin pushed back her chair and stood up. “It’s enough that I’m being confined to the grounds here like some kind of prisoner for the next few weeks.  I’m not going to ask permission every time I want to go into a room in the home that I am living in. Which way is the kitchen?”
                  “As soon as I’ve reviewed this with Taddeus…” Elzbetka’ face was getting redder and redder.
                  “Twyla! Let’s go to the kitchen!” Caitlin said cheerfully, pushing her chair back.
                  Twyla leaned her broom on the wall, and led Caitlin out of the room. Elzbetka started to follow them, protesting, but Caitlin held up her hand. “I don’t need your assistance. I’ll let you know when I’m ready for the tour of the property.”
                  Twyla was smothering a smile behind her hand as they walked down the hallway.
                  As they walked, Caitlin’s cell phone buzzed.  It wasn’t a number she recognized. She hesitated, then answered.  And

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