
Free Nailed by Desiree Holt

Book: Nailed by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
crop and applied it to her ass.
    Night after night, the dreams were so real they awakened
her, heart thudding and lungs begging for air. Her cunt throbbed so insistently
that she’d only been able to fall asleep again by using her hand to bring herself
to climax. She’d lost count of how often that had happened.
    Holy shit!
    She stepped out of the elevator into the carpeted reception
area. As she walked to her office she noticed, thankfully, that only two other
offices had lights on. Good. She’d deliberately arrived even earlier than usual
so no one could ask her why she was walking so strangely.
    Now as she sat very gingerly on her desk chair, she set her
thin briefcase next to her computer and dropped her head into her hands.
    I am in such deep trouble.
    She should have known better after that first encounter. All
the feelings and emotions she kept locked down deep inside her began hammering
to get out. Only the fear of what would happen if she released them helped her
hang onto her last thread of control.
    It didn’t make sense. Tyler McMann didn’t look anything like him. Or act like him. The only similarities were they were both Doms and
both knew how to wield the instruments of punishment effectively. But Tyler
didn’t have that hard, unrelenting edge that he’d had. He who shall be
nameless. He who had recognized the symptoms of a pain junkie and used them
against her. He who had led her into a place where there was no control and the
consequences were devastating.
    And there was one other danger point. Tyler McMann also
awakened feelings in her that she’d sworn never to allow to surface again.
    Jen startled at the sound of the voice and looked up to see
Jack Shelton looking at her. Damn! She should have closed the door.
    “Um, yes. Just a little one. I’ll pop a couple of aspirin
and be fine.”
    He frowned. “Maybe you should go home. You don’t look like
you slept too well.”
    No, I didn’t. I dream almost every night of a naked god
striking my ass. The ass that now still stings with the memory.
    “I’ll be fine.” She swiveled in her chair and turned on her
computer. “In fact, I have an account analysis that needs to be finished for
Larkin before noon, so I’d better get to it.”
    Go away. Please go away.
    “Sure. Okay.” The friendliness had disappeared from his voice.
“I’ll just leave you alone. Want me to close the door?”
    “Yes. Please.”
    “Oh. One more thing.” He paused with his hand on the
doorknob. “Remember that guy I was talking to in reception the other day?”
    Remember? Oh, yes. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. For
more reasons than Jack could ever know about.
    “Um, yeah. Sort of. Why?”
    “I think he’s interested in you.”
    Jen froze, suddenly unable to breathe. “What makes you say
    “He stopped by my office to tell me to go ahead and set up
an appointment for us to meet with his firm about their account.”
    She shook her head. “That doesn’t have anything to do with
    “No, but he did ask some questions about you.”
    “Uh huh. But I told him he’s wasting his time. You’re not
interested in dating.” His voice dropped a little. “Right?”
    “Yes. Right. Thanks for telling him that.”
    Now please go away.
    She slid a glance sideways at Jack, still in her doorway. He
looked at her as if waiting for something. Then he shrugged.
    “Well, your private life is none of my business. I’ll let
you get back to work.”
    When he closed the, door Jen let out the breath she’d been
    Damn, damn, damn.
    She’d have to be very careful here not to run into him.
Although with them both working in the same building, that would require extra
vigilance on her part. Maybe she should stay away from Finesse for a while,
    Of course that wasn’t what she really wanted. At Finesse she
could become Flame, the person who lived inside her. The person she really was.
The one her chosen profession forced

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