Lost Angel

Free Lost Angel by Mandasue Heller

Book: Lost Angel by Mandasue Heller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandasue Heller
minutes of peace before they reached the hotel and he had to face them all again at the reception.
    It took several minutes for Ruth to manoeuvre her massive dress through the door, but when she was finally in she tried to snuggle up to Johnny, only to find that the rigid hoops in her skirt prevented her from getting close. Reaching for his hand instead, she smiled.
    ‘Me too.’ She sighed and raised her left hand to examine her rings in the light. ‘I can’t believe we’re really married. It feels like a dream. Is it like a dream for you?’
    ‘God, I’m so glad it’s over,’ Ruth went on, as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. ‘It’s been murder not being able to see you on our own. But no one can stop us now, can they?’ A gloating little smile curled her lips as she added, ‘Did you see Lisa’s face when I told her to move away from you just now on the steps? I knew she was going to be funny, ’cos she was a right bitch last night. She’s been weird ever since I told her we were getting married, actually, but she’s just jealous. She always has been – right from when we were kids. Whatever I had, she wanted it. But she’s got no chance of getting you , Mr Conroy, ’cos you’re all mine. Mine, mine, mine.’
    Unable to contain the groan that bubbled up into his throat, Johnny flopped his head back and rubbed at his eyes.
    ‘What’s wrong?’ Ruth was instantly concerned. ‘You’re not feeling sick, are you? Do you want me to tell the driver to stop?’
    ‘I’m okay,’ he lied. ‘Probably just nerves.’
    ‘Ah, was my new husband nervous?’ she teased. Then, giggling, she said, ‘God, it feels so weird saying that. My husband . You say it. Say, my wife .’
    ‘Ruth, please . . .’
    ‘Aw, come on, I just want to hear what it’ll sound like to other people when you talk about me. It’s not that hard, is it? Please? ’
    ‘My wife,’ Johnny said dully, figuring that it was easier just to do as she asked. ‘Now, can we have a bit of quiet while I try to shake this headache?’
    ‘Sorry,’ Ruth cooed, almost breaking her neck in an effort to lay her head on his shoulder. ‘I suppose I’d best get used to doing as I’m told, hadn’t I?’ she went on happily, instantly forgetting his plea for quiet. ‘I did promise to love, honour and obey you, after all. Not that I’ll be the kind of wife who lets herself get pushed around,’ she added quickly, as if to warn him that he’d better not even try it. ‘But it’s traditional for a wife to listen to her husband. And traditions are really important, aren’t they? That’s how I want to raise our children when we start a family – the old way.’
    ‘What do you mean, when we start?’ Johnny picked up on what she’d said and gazed down at her.
    ‘I mean when we start trying for the next one,’ Ruth corrected herself, cradling her stomach with her hand as if to reassure this baby that she wasn’t dismissing it. ‘You can’t just have one child and call yourself a family, can you?’
    ‘You’re an only child,’ he reminded her. ‘So am I, come to that.’
    ‘Yes, which is why I want us to have loads – because we both know how lonely it is to be the only one. You haven’t got a problem with that, have you?’
    Johnny frowned. It had taken him ages to get used to the idea of having this one, and here she was planning the next God only knew how many.
    ‘What are you thinking?’ Ruth asked. Shaking his arm when he didn’t answer, she said, ‘Johnny, don’t ignore me. We’re nearly there, and my dad will wonder what’s wrong if you’re quiet.’
    Johnny rolled his eyes. He wished she would just shut the fuck up and leave him alone for two minutes. But she was right: Frankie would think something funny was going on if they turned up like this. So, smiling, he said, ‘I’m fine. Stop worrying about me and enjoy your day, eh?’
    ‘My day,’ Ruth repeated, sighing

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