Strictly Business

Free Strictly Business by Lisa Eugene

Book: Strictly Business by Lisa Eugene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Eugene
“I wanted to ask him who he’d picked the films up from, but I never got the chance.”
    “Hmm...” Wade sat thoughtfully. He knew it was only a matter of time before they figured out who was behind this insurance scam.
    He was glad that his firm had agreed to hire Ben. Over the years he’d become a trusted friend as well as a resourceful and tenacious investigator. Even though he was a little rough around the edges he was good at his job. Although he was skilled, he sometimes took risks that Wade’s firm would not have sanctioned. Although the film he snagged would not be admissible evidence since it had been stolen, it would help them unravel the secrets of this case.
    “Be careful. If they had a tail on you they know we’re on to something. They might even have realized that one of the films from the van is missing and guess that you took it. I’m afraid they might become more desperate since they failed in their attempts to retrieve Mr. Johnson’s film.”
    “Don’t worry. I lost them. How’s Mr. Johnson?”
    “Doesn’t like the security detail you assigned to him.”
    “Well considering how his apartment was torn up, he’s better off this way.”
    Wade took a swig of his beer and scratched his chin. “Yeah, they won’t be happy to now have two MRI films to search for.”
    I’ll be in touch tonight if I hear anything. I’m also checking on a few other things now that I know WMH is involved.”
    “I’ll be out , but you can reach me on my cell.”
    Wade watched the slow smile creep across Ben’s gritty features.
    “ Hot date?”
    How much he should tell Ben? He hesitated then said, “She’s a doctor from WMH, Dr. Nina Henley.”
    “ What? ” Ben choked up a plume of smoke, his eyes round with disbelief.
    Wade waited for his coughing to abate then continued, “I’m sure she’s not involved.”
    Ben blew out a thin curl of smoke; he was silent as his eyes shuttered pensively, “But can she be trusted?”
    Wade shook his head firmly when he realized where Ben was headed. “I trust her, but I don’t want her mixed up in this.”
    “You know she could really be of value. She’s on the inside.”
    “No,” Wade stated firmly, his eyes fixed on Ben’s.
    Ben bared his uneven teeth in a crooked smile. “Boy, you’ve got it bad W.”
    Wade felt his heart flutter momentarily as Ben’s words s ank in. He had to admit that his friend was right. Just the thought of seeing her tonight had him thrumming with excitement. He was puzzled because it wasn’t just sexual anticipation that consumed him. His ardor was fueled by an aching need to simply feel her presence.
    Wade smiled back weakly. “No, I’ve got it good.”
    Nina stepped out of her bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. The cold air from the air conditioner kissed her skin and caused goose bumps to pepper her exposed arms and legs. She shuddered briefly and finished drying off, slipping into a red silk robe. The phone rang as she was pulling the scrunchie from her hair, and she stilled, a nervous flapping starting in her stomach. She wondered if it was Wade calling to say he’d be late or even to cancel.
    She’d overslept and was now rushing to get ready for her date. Date. Her insides lurched at the idea. It had been so long since she’d been on an official date that she felt as flighty as a schoolgirl. God, she could restart someone’s heart at the drop of a hat, but she was nervous about one little date! She didn’t want to contemplate why the possibility of him cancelling caused a dull disappointment to well in her chest. Taking a deep calming breath, she answered the phone.
    “What’s up , girl? How was lunch with the parents?” Sally’s booming voice startled her.
    Nina sat on the edge of her bed and laughed. “ Well if you consider discussing the bladder habits of a camel, your daughter’s sexual orientation, and the inevitable gravitational pull on private body parts appropriate lunch conversation, I’d

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