Strictly Business

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Book: Strictly Business by Lisa Eugene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Eugene
say lunch went well.”
    There was ticking silence on the other end of the phone then Sally said flatly, “So, I see your mom was her usual self.”
    Sally giggled. “I knew tame wasn’t cutting it—public place or not.”
    “I think they’re actually worse when they have an audience.” Nina pulled a brush through her curls.
    “Did your mom try to fix you up with someone at the next table again?”
    “No, it was the waiter this time. He was young. I don’t even think he’s reached puberty yet.”
    “ Was he cute at least? Maybe all he needs is a little training. If we start when they’re young they’ll be experts when they get to our age.”
    Nina blushed as she remembered how Wade had deftly ignited her passions in the restaurant. He was a man who understood her needs quite well and seemed fully trained and equipped to assuage them.
    “No, thank you, ” Nina said. Her eyes darted to the clock on her nightstand and her heart skipped a beat. “Sally, I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you later.”
    “What’s going on?”
    Nina gritted her teeth as her friend waited quietly for an answer. She knew she couldn’t keep this from her best friend any longer.
    “I have a date.”
    “ What? With who? ”
    Nina could picture her friend’s eyes bulging from their sockets.
    “Wade Connolly.”
    “ Oh. My. God! ” Sally shrieked. “You’ve been holding out on me. I knew it!”
    Nina chuckled at her friend’s accusation and rolled her eyes in response to the drama. “I don’t have time to explain now, but I promise I’ll call you when I get home tonight.”
    “ I want the full play by play!”
    After making a promise to recap the date in explicit detail Nina was allowed to hang up the phone.
    The doorbell rang and she swallowed a bubble of nervousness. She checked her face quickly in the mirror, noting the anticipation in her green eyes. On wobbly knees she walked from her bedroom through the small living area to the front door. The sight through the peephole made her breath catch. Wade stood in the hall, his large body blocking the door, his handsome face magnified through the viewer.
    She breathed deeply and pulled open the door, her skin flushing as his ocean blue gaze meandered over her face and slowly down the length of her red bathrobe, lingering where the robe made a deep V at her neck.
    “You’re early.” She ushered him in, self consciously adjusting the lapels of her robe.
    He proffered the bottle in his hand and smiled brightly. “Thought maybe we’d share a glass of wine before dinner.”
    “Although I think you look stunning in that bathrobe it might be a little too casual for where we’re going,” he teased.
    Nina took the bottle from him and he followed her into her small kitchen. The tiny area barely fit the two of them. She could smell his fresh woodsy scent and the short tendrils of hair at his temples were still sleek and wet from his shower. His blue button down shirt matched the color of his eyes, and she caught a hint of his incredible physique as the material molded to his broad shoulders when he moved.
    “This is the latest in summer wear. Just read about it in Vogue ,” she retorted lightly. She hoped humor would quell her nervousness.
    “ Darn, and I almost wore mine! Can’t believe I’m so fashion backward. Next time I promise to wear only my bathrobe. ”
    She swallowed hard as she scrutinized his handsome features. She knew he’d slipped the word ‘only’ in there on purpose. Despite his sober continence she could see a smile twitching at the corner of his tempting lips.
    Laughing, she chided, “Your’re impossible!” and watched him waggle his brows as he succumbed to a grin.
    Nina turned to rummage through a kitchen drawer, the sudden image of Wade draped in a luxurious robe with nothing underneath bombarding her brain. What was she looking for? Oh, yes a cock screw—ah… cork screw ! OMG, hmmm….. focus!
    “ I can’t

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