Good Greek Girls Don't

Free Good Greek Girls Don't by Georgia Tsialtas

Book: Good Greek Girls Don't by Georgia Tsialtas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia Tsialtas
Tags: Fiction
    â€˜So did you give him your number?’
    I can only nod. I can’t believe Chris has been asking about me for so long. I don’t want to look too excited and give Katerina any false hope.
    â€˜Kati, I’m going to get going. I’m stuffed.’
    I gather my container from the rice, tray from the cake (of which Chris had three pieces), my handbag, and jacket.
    â€˜So when are you two going out?’
    â€˜Shut up, Kati. He probably won’t even call.’
    She walks me out to my car, both of us tiptoeing so that we won’t wake up the kids.
    â€˜He will call you, Des. I’m certain of it. You never know, we might end up being double koumbares !’
    I slam the car door shut after that comment, start the car up and speed off. God I hope he calls.

    Why is my phone ringing so late? I only left Kati’s five minutes ago – she can’t be wanting to talk about this any more! It’s probably the guys wanting to know if I’ll be meeting them for drinks tonight. I can’t. I’m so tired and, to be honest, bar hopping is the last thing I want to do tonight.
    I don’t recognise the number on my calling display. Who the hell is calling me at this ridiculous hour?
    â€˜Desi? It’s Chris.’
    Well, he’s eager. This should scare me. I mean he could have waited till tomorrow, couldn’t he? Aren’t there rules about how soon to call a girl?
    â€˜Hi.’ What else am I supposed to say?
    â€˜Just wanted to make sure the number you gave me wasn’t the advice line for sexually transmitted diseases.’
    Is nothing sacred? I can’t believe Katerina told him about that. Oh my God. I really shouldn’t be laughing so hard when I’m driving and talking on a mobile.
    â€˜No, you got the real thing. I can’t believe Katerina told you about that.’ What else has she told him about me? I shudder to think.
    â€˜I think it’s hysterical. I can just imagine the poor suckers’ faces when they realise they’ve been had.’
    Hang on, he’s making me feel guilty. ‘I only use it as a last resort in extreme circumstances.’
    â€˜Glad you didn’t think I was an extreme circumstance then.’
    â€˜That’s yet to be determined.’ Am I phone flirting?
    â€˜I better let you go, Desi. You’re on the road.’
    â€˜Okay.’ I can talk and drive at the same time. I’ve done it heaps of times. Why don’t I want him to hang up?
    â€˜Talk to you soon, Desi.’ I know he means it. I just know it. I can feel it.
    â€˜Night, Chris.’ We both hang up. Hey, he called me from home, so now not only do I have his mobile and office numbers but I have his home number, too. I better make sure he doesn’t have a phone sex fetish as well. Actually I better not. I don’t want to know. I don’t need to check. I know all I need to know at the moment and I think I will find out everything else in due time. I just can’t believe he called me so soon.

    He hasn’t called yet.
    I can deal with this – after all, this guy is nothing special. It’s not like my life would be over if he didn’t call. But I figure he would have called by now. He was the one that was so eager to call after Katerina’s barbecue, so why is he procrastinating now? Oh, God, why do I even care whether he calls or not?
    It was lunch with the whole clan as usual today. Another riveting Sunday, made even more painful by the fact that with every bite I took at lunch I kept replaying last night’s events over and over again in my mind. His smile, that delicious aftershave, his really cute butt. Why hasn’t he called yet? It’s past seven in the evening already. I’ve got to get out of the house before I go stark raving mad. I cannot be sitting at home if he calls. My God, then he would think that I’ve

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