Trust in Me

Free Trust in Me by Suzanna Ross

Book: Trust in Me by Suzanna Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanna Ross
away at once and scrambled back to her feet. “Not a good idea,” she told him primly, daring to look from beneath lowered eyelashes and noting he looked as shocked as she felt.
    Theo couldn’t explain what had happened. He’d never been so overwhelmed by a woman in his life before and all he could think about was kissing her again. And she’d enjoyed their kiss every bit as much as he had, so why was she now denying he was her type? There was something going on, he was sure, and it had to do with more than the estate.
    He ran an unsteady hand through his hair.
    “Rosie,” the high-pitched cry made him look round to find a middle-aged woman in an ankle length dress of flowing purple, her long hair was so blue-black it had to dyed and her eye-make up made her look a bit like a panda.
    “Marsha, I’m working,” Rosie muttered. “This will have to wait.”
    “It can’t, darling. Really it can’t. I was speaking to Alicia on the telephone this afternoon...”
    Rosie turned towards Theo. “Alicia Powell,” she explained. “She was married to Adam, The Noise’s lead guitarist,” Rosie used her warning tone, he noticed and he suspected she was trying to stop the older woman from rambling on. “This Marsha,” she told Theo. “George’s mother. And this,” she told Marsha, “is Theo Bradley.”
    “Delighted,” Marsha’s red lipstick smile scared him witless. “I’m Marsha Barton.” He took the hand she offered with caution – quite rightly as it turned out as she used the contact to pull him closer and smack a noisy kiss full on his lips. His nose twitched at the overpowering effect of the perfume she wore. Startled, he sprung back out of harm’s way, but at least his reaction confirmed he wasn’t turning into some out-of-control predator – it was only Rosie who tempted him to let down his defences.
    “What about Alicia?” Rosie sounded irritated and he hoped it was because she didn’t like another woman kissing him, even if it was only a theatrical gesture Marsha probably made to everyone she met.
    “Fabulous news, darling, she wants to come home to us. I told her we must have a party...”
    “That is good news,” Rosie agreed.
    “I thought you might be able to let her stay at Farnham House – I know it’s been empty since...well...since your father died. But it’s a good distance away from that awful Adam man – honestly, the way he treated that woman I can’t begin to understand...”
    “It won’t be possible for Alicia to stay at Farnham House,” Theo interrupted and was rewarded by two female pairs of eyes pinning him quizzically in place. “I have plans for that place already. If Alicia Powell’s coming back to the estate, she’ll have to make do with one of the empty cottages.”
    “I don’t know who you are, Theo Bradley, but I was speaking to Rosie. This has nothing to do with you.”
    Theo let his breath out in a loud hiss. Not accustomed to having his authority questioned, he began to wonder if there was something in the water on the Farnham estate that made its females overly feisty.
    There was an unmistakeable warning in Rosie’s green eyes and the shake of her head was barely perceptible as she silently warned him to say nothing. Of course, she hadn’t told her sister yet, so she wouldn’t want him to announce he was the new owner.
    “Marsha, there’s no need to be rude,” Rosie’s voice was strained. “Why don’t you get Alicia to give me a ring to discuss where she can stay?”
    Marsha flounced out in a huff and Rosie turned to face him. “Thank you for not saying anything.”
    He gave a brief nod. “She seems a maintenance?”
    Rosie’s short laugh held no humour. “That’s one way of putting it.”
    “You prefer another way?”
    “Marsha and her husband are a bit of a nightmare. The band got together when they were very young and the manager treated them all like children. And then they moved onto the estate and expected Dad

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