The Last Novel

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Authors: David Markson
    Theodore Watts-Dunton’s wife’s claim that when the monumentally alcoholic Swinburne was finally weaned away from brandy, he initially drank port because Tennyson did, then burgundy because of the Musketeers in Dumas, and at last ale — because of Shakespeare.
    What a pleasant party, Plutarch records someone commenting to Timon of Athens.
    It would be, if you were gone, Timon responds.
    If there is anyone here I have forgotten to insult, I apologize.
    Announced Brahms, exiting somewhere — 2,300 years later.
    Paul, thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.
    No battleship has yet been sunk by bombs.
    Said the caption on a photograph of the USS Arizona in the program for the 1941 Army-Navy football game — eight days before Pearl Harbor.
    Ovid’s banishment from Rome by Augustus — which meant that his books were automatically removed from the city’s libraries as well.
    The similar banning of Virgil’s and Livy’s three decades later — by Caligula, who simply did not like them.
    May the devil bung a cesspool with his skull.
    Requested John Millington Synge, re a dim-witted reviewer.
    One of us was once in love for eight days with a woman of fairly easy virtue, and the other for three days with a ten-franc whore. Altogether, eleven days of love between the two of us.
    Being Edmond and Jules Goncourt, elucidating their relationships with the opposite sex.
    Longfellow published his first poem at thirteen.
    Bryant wrote Thanatopsis at seventeen — and after publication several years later was to hear it called a hoax.
    No one, on this side of the Atlantic, is capable of writing such verses, insisted Richard Henry Dana.
    Never having realized that there originally once was an actual troublemaking Irish family named Hooligan.
    Or a military officer named Shrapnel.
    The John Cage composition entitled 4'33"
    In which the performer sits at a piano for four minutes and thirty-three seconds — and plays nothing.
    Cervantes was fifty-eight when Part I of Don Quixote was published.
    And sixty-eight at Part II.
    Finding the earliest hints of a theory of evolution in Anaximander.
    In the sixth century BC.
    I never knew a writer’s wife who wasn’t beautiful.
    Said Kurt Vonnegut.
    Has Novelist ever known many who could not contrive some way to keep the pot boiling during fallow stretches?
    General Mikhail T. Kalashnikov.
    Joseph Ignace Guillotin.
    Sir Rudolf Bing was once robbed of a cheap watch he wore only for sentimental reasons. Zinka Milanov was infuriated:
    The General Manager of the Metropolitan Opera does not display a twenty-dollar wristwatch!
    The mugging in which Giuseppe di Stefano, at eighty-three, was quite badly injured — while being stripped of a gold chain he had been given by Maria Callas.
    It was Beckett’s wife who took the call informing them that Beckett had won the Nobel Prize. Her first reaction, even as she turned to tell him:
    Quelle catastrophe!
    Toledo, Judah Halevi was born in.
    Córdoba, Maimonides.
    Saint Benedict, essentially the founder of moderate monastic rule.
    Whose earliest regulations as an abbot were so harsh that the monks tried to poison his wine.
    In the dense mist
What is being shouted
Between hill and boat?
    Beethoven’s brief period as a pupil of Hadyn’s:
    I never learned anything from the man.
    There is no such thing as abstract art, said Picasso.
    You always have to start somewhere or other.
    Inconceivable nonsense.
    Tchaikovsky called Das Rheingold.
    Machiavelli’s interminable visits to prostitutes — described in unexpurgated detail in his correspondence.
    Graham Greene’s — so compulsive that a biographer was able to reproduce a cryptic list, in Greene’s handwriting, of a favorite forty-seven.
    Georges Simenon’s — whose autobiography speaks of as many as a thousand.
    That man has missed something who has never left a brothel at sunrise feeling like throwing himself into the river out of pure disgust.
    Says a Flaubert letter.

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