For Life

Free For Life by Lorie O'Clare

Book: For Life by Lorie O'Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorie O'Clare
clear his head, and he left puddles on his floor as he left the bathroom and grabbed a clean towel from the hall closet.
    Josie headed to his bedroom instead of returning to the bathroom and dried, then dressed in there. Maura took her time in the bathroom, more than likely needing a moment to breathe air that wasn’t thick with his scent. She’d moved him in there. More so than surrendering her hot pussy to him and proving to be one hell of a damned good fuck. Maura possessed a determined spirit, a pure and honest nature that grabbed hold of something inside him that hadn’t been touched before.
    And her thoughts, so free of manipulation or an agenda. Unlike any bitch he’d known before, Maura had to be one of a kind. Just like him. Like he’d always imagined his soul mate would be, the bitch who would run by his side, kill for him and be honored when he lay his kill at her paws.
    He intentionally set his standards incredibly high when it came to defining what the perfect female for him would be like so that he would never find her. But just now, he feared he might have. Now to figure out what the hell to do about that.
    For Life

Chapter Five
    “Are you sure you’re okay?” Heidi’s concerned tone over the phone warmed
    Maura’s heart. Not that she was cold at all with the fire roaring in Josie’s fireplace.
    “Nicolo says we can come right over with more clothes.”
    “That would be great. Thank you.” She snuggled into the corner of the couch and glanced around the living room.
    The cabin was solid, warm and cozy. It was very masculine, from the rough log walls to the wooden floors with several bear rugs thrown in front of the fireplace.
    Everything smelled of Josie. His mark was on everything, including her. She looked toward the kitchen, where he had headed out the back door moments before telling her he would be back inside in a few minutes. She wondered how far away he had to be before he couldn’t hear her thoughts anymore. It had to be quite some distance since it had been her thoughts in her sleep that sent him up the mountain looking for her earlier today.
    “Heidi, what do you know about Josie?”
    “Not a lot. He and Nicolo have known each other since they were pups. I doubt Nicolo would have approved of you staying there if he didn’t trust the werewolf. Do you like him?”
    “I shouldn’t be able to pass judgment on him after just a few hours.” She lowered her voice even though she knew he hadn’t come back inside yet.
    “You’ve already fucked him, haven’t you?” Heidi sounded so excited that her voice squeaked.
    Nicolo’s growl in the background only made Heidi laugh. Maura straightened,
    moving to the edge of the couch. She realized she had pressed the phone hard to the side of her face and forced her hand to relax. It would be so awesome to have such a relaxed relationship with a male. She couldn’t crawl through the phone or do anything to smell Heidi’s emotions, but she sensed her friend’s happiness. Maura wanted that too.
    “And how long were we together before you fucked me, wolf man?” Heidi teased, but then returned to her conversation with Maura. “Was he any good?” Nicolo roared in the background and Heidi burst out into a fit of giggles. “I guess we can do our girl talk when we get there. We’ll be over as soon as I calm down this werewolf of mine.”
    Heidi was still laughing when she hung up the phone.
    Maura stared at the cordless receiver in her hand and ran her finger over the small holes in it. There wasn’t anyone else to call. She thought about calling her pack leader.
    Lorie O’Clare
    But what would be the point? Did she really want to go back? Bob may or may not believe her story. But if he did, what would he do with her?
    A mated bitch thrown out of her pack by her mate would be stuck in limbo between mated and single status. If Pete agreed to take her back, Bob would hand her right over to him. Then what? Pete would haul her right back

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